A spoiled man will be a ‘pain in the butt.’
By Ronald Kennedy
Latest Update: October 11, 2024
Loving this type would take a lot of work.
I put this character’s profile at the top of my comedy ‘hit’ list. I gave myself a good laugh while creating this one.
Although, all my characters profile’s give me a good feeling, this one represents many whiners living in our society today.
You do have to admit, in real life, they’re are just as many of this type walking around today, then there are in hiding.
For the life of me, I could never figure out how women could waste their valuable time with babied losers like this. If their woman won’t give them their way, they argue until she gives in.
Don’t confuse ‘being demanding’ with ‘acting spoiled’….they’re one in the same!
Those dudes out there who’s still attached to moms apron strings, harbor underlining conditions that need serious mental evaluation.
The spoiled type looking for love, affection and pampering carries himself like a little ‘sick puppy!’ He’s looking for the same affection mom gave him when she help tuck him in at night, with his milk and cookies (He still remember those orioles).
Ladies, beware! Before you get too deeply involved, study their behavior, the crazy things they say, along with childish ways.
So when seeking a dating partner and you have concerns, study the profile below. It will give you a ‘heads up’ on what you could possibly end up with.
‘Mama’s Boy’
VITAL STATISTICS – Age: 24 to 49, Height: 5’7″ to 6’4″, Weight: Excess Baby Fat
OCCUPATION – You may find this type working in a toy discount warehouse facility.
Or maybe you’ll run across this type sweeping hair at the neighborhood barber shop, working part-time at a nursery or helping his parents out in the family owned hardware store.
FAVORITE FOODS – Dining with him will consist of a plate of warm baby cabbages, macaroni & cheese, and a Milky Way bar.
For lunch, you’ll share some stale peanut brittle, two peppermint candy canes and a huge bowl of cold alphabet soup.
Dinner will be a Happy Meal from McDonalds, loaded with chicken nuggets and a chocolate chip cookie.
FAVORITE DRINKS – Wanna stay in and have drinks with this thumb sucking mama’s boy?
If so, then be prepared to spend a cozy, romantic evening in front of the fireplace sipping Nestle Chocolate NesQuik.
Also, he’ll talk you into downing a couple of swigs of prune juice. According to his crazy philosophy, this will loosen your bowels thoroughly and help ease any anxiety progression towards a decent sexual performance.
But before any ‘hot action’ can take place between the sheets, he first must call mom to get tips on the best positions!
FAVORITE MUSIC – ‘The Flintstones’ opening theme song will be high on his Top 10 chart. Also, you’ll be dancing to the beat from the ‘Three Stooges’ jingle and ‘The Simpsons’. (hey, those guys are his idols).
FAVORITE MOVIES/TV SHOWS – This childish joker will expect you to accompany him in viewing old video taped reruns of ‘Bozo’s Circus,’ and ‘the Disney Classics.’ Your fun-filled evening will also include MTV, and ‘Tom & Jerry’ cartoons.
FAVORITE SPORTS/HOBBIES – His hobby activities will include sand castle building, competitive dog & cat grooming and spit-shining old rusty wagon wheels.
Would you like to have your own ‘Mama’s Boy’ profile + many more? Hoover your cell phone camera over QR bar code.
As far as the physical fitness portion is concerned, his legs receive plenty of exercise from jumping up and down when he doesn’t get his way.
TYPE OF CAR – He’ll really think he’s impressing you when he picks you up in a pint-size Yugo or ‘clown car,’ which will display his newly customized Donald and Daffy Duck interior.
He’ll glow with pride when he tells you that it took every cent from his piggy bank to get the car detailing done.
LAST BOOK- ‘Bedwetting Made Easy’ by Dr. Phil A. Bladder
TURN-ON’S – Tootsie Roll Pops with the bubble gum center, a well-oiled skateboard and a woman who enjoys 24-hour cartoon marathons.
TURN-OFF’S – Bossy women who are into competitive sports, a toy store going out of business, feminist groups and a chick that has a hand shake stronger than his.
SECRET FANTASY – To hold firm in his possession the largest collection of Harry Potter Magic and Mystery novels.
PERSONALITY – Still probably still camping out at home, this immature clown is half way through a mind alteration process.
Having strong family ties, he’s very sensitive to the suggestions and wishes of mom.
He’ll always compare you and your cooking to dear ol’ mom.
IDEAL WOMAN – To be a mirror image of mom.
WHERE TO MEET – You can find this type usually at any Toys-R-Us, his mama’s favorite neighborhood supermarket, the corner candy store or the video arcade.
GOAL – To one day, meet and marry a woman just like good ol’ mom.
RATING – 2.4….. You probably think to yourself, you wish you had a way to study a character’s profile of this type before you started dating. Your relationship with this man could go either way.
But the long-term lecture from him constantly comparing you to his mother, could be bad for your mental health. A very stressful thing!
Unfortunately, If you have a mental collapse, this could possibly lead to drastic actions. Do you have any idea which actions I’m referring to?
Those actions that you know will eventually come; such as You going to the penitentiary and him?… to the graveyard!
Hey! Get Your Laugh On!!
This is some crazy, funny stuff!
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So what do you think? Did you enjoy the profile ‘Mama’s Boy?’ If you found the information in this post interesting & useful, please share it with your friends and colleagues on Facebook & Pinterest
What a complete riot! Mama’s Boy indeed! When I was single after my divorce, I met a great variety of single men, and the majority single for good reason. I came to realize finding someone I would really want to be with was no easy task. At 54, my husband and I found one another, and have been incredibly happy. I am so glad I did not settle with almosts, or complete non-contenders like a Mama’s Boy! Thanks for the laugh!
Hi Annie. Thanks for reading my Mama’s Boy character. And you know Annie, in reality, a lot of women out there really end up with dates such as this. (Scary isn’t it?) It’s also very unfortunate, that most women don’t find out that their boyfriend or fiance is like this until it’s to late (They come out of their true bag, once they think they got you hooked).
Characters like this are in a class by themselves! Over-grown babies in life seeking guidance and direction. I’m sure Annie, in your early dating days, you probably ran into guys such as this. As you admitted, it was all types you ran across, but at least, you eventually found your ‘knight in shiny armor.’ And It doesn’t matter that you were older when you wed, it just goes to show that ‘good things come to those who wait.’ Good for you!
I want to thank you for stopping by Annie. Let me know if I can do anything else for you.
I found your post absolutely hilarious! Great timing, content, and drawings. I had a blast reading this from beginning to end. More, more, more! Keep up the great work! 🙂
I have seen guys like this in the past when I was searching for my “soul mate” online. It is definitely a unique experience to find a man like this! I absolutely adore your site! Thanks so much for your content!!! I will be sure to return.
Hi FemSmoker, thank you very much for checking in and commenting. This ‘crazy artist’ really appreciate it! I love my work and what I do. I know this site is completely different & unique than most sites you see out here. Many of my readers enjoy humor; hey that’s a good thing. (there’s enough misery in the world as it is. We all need something to laugh at and relax).
I’ve had many female readers would tell me they’ve ran across dudes like this in their past, as you say, while out searching for that ‘special someone’. (Ah yes, the ‘crazy world of dating.’) You never know what’s out there or what you end up with, until it’s too late!
Since you’ve written in, I spent the last couple of days re-designing my site and I’ve also included an ‘optin’ form for you to receive my funny ebook, ‘How to Select a Compatible Mate’ for Free after you subscribe. (you can see more funny character profiles, including the one you read, along with their zodiac signs). Go back, sign up and get your free copy!
I want to thank you again for commenting, my friend. Let me know if I can assist you with anything else.
Heh Ronald I had such a laugh when I arrived at your site and started reading. You got me straight away and your site is unique/ I certainly haven’t come across another like it at all.
I have not had much to do with dating sites to be honest with you but will return to pick up some hints and tips for dating.
My wife constantly lets me know that I need to lighten up and I guess you are going to be a help for me.
There are a few spelling mistakes throughout your page but that’s just an observation and not a critique.
Maybe just go over the site and make some changes like categories is spelled correctly at the bottom of the page but spelled Catagories at the top right.
Hope this helps you my new found friend.
Take Care
Hi Colin, how are you? Thank you for checking in and commenting. I also want to give you an EXTRA thanks for pointing out that spelling error. It takes excellent eyeballs like yours and others, to catch other writers errors. Really appreciate it! I usually work all day at my pc and very late into the wee hours with red & blurry eyeballs (I’m surprised I haven’t missed half a page. LOL.)
I like my site to be set apart from others. Unique in its own right. I’m glad you enjoyed it. The world of dating can get wild and crazy at times. I just like to make the whole concept of love and relationships a more humorous thing. With so much gloom and misery in our world today, it’s a ‘breath of fresh air’ to sit back and get your laugh on.
Colin, as far as having more material to help lighten you up, YES; I got it. Just go back and read some of my other articles (I got a bunch of them). Please share them on social media. Thanks Colin. Let me know if I can do anything else for you.
Had me laughing from beginning to end. Absolutely hilarious. Great post. I’m definitely going to have to share this. What made me bust out cracking up more were some of these really held some truth in them like I totally know some mamas boys that fit this profile in real life hahah. That just made it more hilarious for me.
Hi WG, How are you? Thanks for stopping by and commenting. (Or I should say thanks for taking a peep into my ‘crazy world’) I’m glad you got a big kick out of it. I myself got an even bigger kick while creating it and putting this profile together. (I’m glad my neighbors didn’t hear me laughing out loud, especially since I Iive alone). They would’ve thought I flipped out.LOL
I guess you can say I’m a comedy writer ‘by heart’. I love to make others laugh through my work. It’s always a good thing to get our minds off all the crap and misery (even only briefly) in the world, and just get ‘Our Laugh On.’ To me, humor is what ‘soothes the soul’
WG, I would really appreciate it if you would share this post with all your friends, family and associates. I’m sure they are gonna know someone just like ‘Mama’s Boy.’ I have more profiles in my book that you can have for Free. (if you think Mama’s Boy is funny, you should checkout ‘The Nerd.’…which is in the book).
At this time, I’d like to thank you again, my friend, for dropping by. Let me know if i can help you with anything else.
This is completely funny, until you look at men you have met who are somewhat in this league…your apple pie is not quite as good as Mom’s for instance. Sparking feelings of inadequacy, until you sample your own apple pie and it has great texture and taste…. Uh, what is his deal, and is he worth it? Thank you for your humorous post!
Hello again my friend. How are you? Thank you for reading my post and getting a good laugh out of it. I’ve always felt good humor is ‘good for the soul.’ Annie, it’s scary to think there are actual real dudes out here like this that these poor women date. (Most women make the claim, “I can change him”). Nine times out of ten, that will never happen.
When someone gets comfortable and set in their ways, these ‘Mama Boy’ types are here to stay! They ain’t changing for nobody. Unless you have ways and mannerism like mom, then he may bend a bit.
You even find those who love being told what to do. It brings back their childhood. Memories unfolding at every turn. He think back to good old mom controlling his life. When he looks at you, he’s hoping to receive that same stern, motherly love he’s used to.
Annie, you asked is it all ‘worth it?’ Believe it or not, some women will try putting up with this type (you wonder what’s wrong with them?) To a guy of this nature, finding someone that’ll put up with his ‘childish crap’ is like him hitting a big lottery!
That was funny! A great article. I’ve been reading budget reports since the morning, so this really made my day much better.
I know a friend of mine who fits exactly the profile mentioned here. I will share it with him to see if I can get his sense of awareness awakened.
Great article. I will share with my wife too.
Hi Fadi, how are you? Happy New Year to you and yours. Thanks for commenting on my post. Glad you enjoyed it and made your day. This is why I enjoy drawing and posting funny things on line. Granted, I know my article is not boasting anything about earning money online, (what usually people promote). But it’s something offered to folks just to help them unwind and get their mind off all the crap in the world today.
Like you said yourself, you were reading some financial reports and then feeling a little more relaxed after reading my article. I’m glad it helped put your mind in a more ‘mellow mood.’
Most of my readers always say they know at least one or two people who fit this description. (Poor guys!) There is a lot of reality here, regarding the fact that ‘Mama Boy’s’ are lurking around every corner. Ladies, beware!
Thanks Fadi, for sharing this with those you know. If you signup to my free newsletter, you’ll get a free copy of “How to Select a Compatible Mate” where you’ll see more of my crazy profiles.
Hi Robert,
This is such an interesting read, and funny.
I especially liked the part about the 17 Rules To Follow With Caution – I have just become a size 16 because I wanted to put on weight since being size 12.
I’ve overdone it…Funny thing is my girlfriends are actually saying I look good with it.
Hmmm! I wonder what my men friends are saying or even thinking?
Hi Stella, how are you? My first name is Ronald, not Robert. (a lot of folks mix that up, no problem). Thanks for checking in and commenting. I’m happy that you found my article interesting. On my blog roll, I have various post all related to the aspect of love, happiness and relationship. You did choose one of my funny post, with a lot of reality attached.
The 17 rules guys should follow with caution are rules their women would love for them to follow, but it’s always not the case. Most dudes are gonna do and say what they can get away with. But as the old saying goes. “Rules are Made to be Broken,” and trust me, more than likely they will.
You stated about your weight gain and what guys would think or would say. First and foremost, is concern over health issues. Although your girlfriends say you look good, what’s more important is how do YOU feel? There are disadvantages with any person when they’re over-weight. You don’t want to get too large because this could lead to a heart attack or stroke. We are a ‘think thin, stay healthy’ society. Your weight gain should be closely monitored by your health care physician.
As far as your men friends goes, they’ll still be just that…Friends. True friends will accept you regardless of your current weight gain. If they’re talking negatively, about you behind your back then they aren’t your friends. So I wouldn’t worry about that!
Thanks again Stella for checking in. Let me know if I can help you with anything else.
I am rolling in tears from laughing so hard!!!
Your writings are just absolutely hilarious and I find myself coming to your site on bad days just to get a break from the world and get a good laugh in!
Keep up your awesome writing… it keeps some of us going throughout the day!
Hi Dr. Baker. Thank you for checking in with me and commenting. I’m glad you got a big kick from my post. Many others have had the same reaction as you; fell off the chair, had them rolling’, spilled their coffee, knocked papers off their desk, etc; (I’m starting to think that maybe I need to put up a warning sign for readers of the Mama’s Boy profile; ‘Caution “Hazardous To Your Health”)’ LOL
I got a big kick when I was creating this character. I laugh as I create. (My neighbors probably wondering who’s that nut case over there laughing to himself)LOL. Basically, I’m alone in my home,(my daughter is in & out) and now I find myself writing and creating.
Dr. Baker, It’s good to know that my work help people (even if for a short moment), get their minds off all the crap going on in our society today. Glad I can help. Join my newsletter. Great to have you.
Love this article! Even the header has got me interested to read on. Like what you said, loving this type of man can definitely be a difficult journey. Sometimes it is hard to tell if you are dating or ‘babysitting’ a man. You also feel like you’re sharing your man with his mom. You hit a few points on the spot and I love how you write the article in a very interesting and funny way. I had so much fun reading this! Keep it going and I hope you don’t stop writing your articles using this approach. Cheers!
Thank you for voicing your enjoyment over my article. And don’t worry, I will definitely continue illustrating and writing comedy as long as I have no further brain damage! LOL!! Yes, my friend, this is what I do! I love making others laugh through my work and will continue to do so. My book have more characters, including ‘mama’s boy,’ that’s designed to ‘tickle your funny bone.’ (You can get a free copy from my site).
It’s scary to think that some women searching for true love do end up with the ‘mama’s boy’ type. They try to deal with the situation because things usually start off fine, but then here come those ‘childish ways.’ I understand all dudes aren’t this babyfied, but they love to find women who’d take care of them (and sadly, those with low esteem will).
So ladies, watch out. Don’t get caught up in their world! But If you find yourself in that situation, be ready to call 911 either for your own health or for someone to pick up his body.
This is so funny!!! It’s amazing how many of these things are so true when it comes to certain people in my life! (Luckily not my husband!!) I think they like to think of themselves as, “Playful” or “Lovable” but really they’re just a pain! Thanks for the article, I have shared it on my Social media – I wonder if the people who I think of when I read it will find it as funny??
Hi Auntie Jo. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I’m happy you got a real ‘kick’ out of my post. (I got a great kick while creating this character). I’ve created many others like the ‘Handyman,’ ‘Veterinarian Vera,’ Dirty Ol’ Doris’ (…to name a few), but Mama’s Boy is one of my favorites. And just think Auntie Jo, like you mentioned, there are people you know in everyday life that fit this profile.
I think about all the poor ladies out there who have dealt with this type of man and is still doing it, trying to make the relationship work. In the long run, they eventually kicked this ‘babyfied clown’ to the curb for a ‘real man.’ I’m glad you didn’t have to experience this!
Playful? Lovable?? Noooo..more like ‘Whiners’ & ‘Cry Babies’ with no direction in life; but only to seek a caretaker for themselves. A pain in the but is right!
To answer your question, Auntie Jo regarding what others may think about this character, just go back and look at all the positive reactions I’ve received on this profile from other readers. I’m sure the people you know will have the same reaction you had. Most do!! Also, point out that they can get a Free copy of my book, ‘How to Select a Compatible Mate’ when they join my entertaining newsletter. Here’s the link you can send them to. Thanks.: https://lovefolks.com/how-to-s…
oh gosh this is so funny.
I had a girlfriend recently just complaining about her boyfriend and we all concluded at the same time Mama’s boy!
Man its hard. Even though hers wasn’t even living at home so it was not as obvious at first. But he might as well have been having meals and washing done by mama! Gosh!
Hi SJ How are you? I’m so happy you got a kick out of my Mama’s Boy profile. I love creating these type of characters because there are so many of them out here causing havoc on poor innocent women’s lives. LOL. I know these women would love to form a lynch mob, track all these childish jokers down and run them all out of town. They’re out there, migrating like a bad fungus. LOL.
This is proven regarding your girlfriend’s situation. She has to be a mama and cater to her boyfriend, who’s probably is helpless without her. This type of scenario plays out around the globe regarding love and relationship. Many, many dudes out there also love older women because they want to feel that ‘motherly’ connection. (A younger woman, or a chick his own age; for their own personal reason, just won’t do).
Yes these childish clowns just can’t cut those apron strings! SJ, I hoped you shared this post on social media. It’ll go out as a warning to all young ladies seeking romance to WATCH OUT!! (…you just don’t know what you gonna get)!
Oooooh jeez haha. This reminds me of a lot of guys I know! (As sad as that may be) This was absolutely hilarious! I’d love to see more comedic posts like this, it had me cracking up until the very end. You didn’t hold back and that’s what made it even funnier. ESPECIALLY when it came to the occupation and turn-offs.
Hi Joe. Glad you got a kick out of this character. (Mama’s Boy is one of my favorite creations). I agree with you Joe that there are many guys walking our streets today, who don’t know how to grow up. They are used to being pampered by either their wife or girlfriend. This is all they know! Until they learn to cut the apron strings, they have a long and rough life down the road.
As far as seeing more post like this, I created more characters profiles, and compiled them together in a small humor book, which you can download and read for Free. Just go back and put in your email address. Also Please share this site with others who’d like to take a break, even for a moment, from all the crap in world and enjoy a good laugh.
Hi Ronald!
I just had a good laugh. Quite hilarious.
But really, i began to think, some are actually still confined. Yet to really discover their true identity, talk less of standing tall and walking their path.
Mama’s boy. Thanks once again Ronald. I had a good comic relief.
I hope to stop by more often to read some more
Hi Festus, thanks for stopping by. You know my friend, there are still types like this still living down in their mama basement. No direction in life. No purpose! A waste of human flesh on earth!
You would think guys like this would have had themselves together years ago (Why still live in your mama’s basement at 32) If you’re healthy and abled-body, then get up and get your ass out!
This article is informative and at the same time hilarious. Mama’s boy is a typical no for me because they live in their mothers shadows. They love to Flunct whatever they acquire to your face.. They are so childish and refuses to grow up. They prefer to take advices from their mummy. Lol… Mummy boy is a serious case to deal with in a relationship .
Yes John, a woman will find her hands filled dealing with this type of individual. The most discouraging thing about this whole episode is the fact that the woman really won’t know how they are until it gets deep into the relationship. Then she’ll discover this childish imbecile will wine and complain about anything and everything to his mama. To all the ladies out there, you don’t need this! Time to step away from this type of loser!
Hi Ronald:
Yep, these guys are out there! I hate to admit it, but I was a mamas boy too. However, not quite to the extent of the guys you describe! Or, perhaps I was and I just didn’t know it!
However, over the years I have found that one needs to release the grips of the apron strings if one is to go anywhere in life.
You have a funny post here that allows me to laugh at myself for falling into the “mama’s boy” trap. I hope other guys can do the same.
Hey Christopher, you’re the very first person to admit seeing yourself in this character. I’ll bet a lotta guys who have read this funny post, thought to themselves, “Damn, this sounds like me when I was staying in mama’s basement.” Yeah, those babyish dudes are out there, stalking some woman to take care of them. There not satisfied until they find ‘a mother figure.’ A brave move you made my man. Hope others will do the same.
Just as you laughed when you wrote this post, I laughed until my tummy ached as I read this post.
It’s hilarious, and most of the post is a joke, but there’s one thing that is deadly true on spot:
“IDEAL WOMAN – To be a mirror image of mom.”
I’ve heard of many stories about how women married to men that compared them to their husbands’ mothers, and how they felt exasperated whenever such comparisons arise. After all, human beings are unique and cannot be complete replicas of another, much less the role is different (mother vs wife).
I swear, if I the entire world is to be left with such men, I would rather not marry.
Hi Rachel. Sorry for the late response getting back to your comment. Just got back from Vegas. Glad you got a kick out of it. (This is just one of my many character profiles) Yes, the dating arena is filled with these types of ‘babyfied idiots.’ So many to the point why so many of you ladies stay single (hey, that gives me a chance for me to put my bid in).lol.
I created this book and the image strictly as a comedy. But when you really read beneath the humor, there’s some real truth that surface…as you pointed out ‘IDEAL WOMAN’ .
Lol was already having a good laugh with the how to love a spoiled man. Yes a mama’s boy can be a very difficult interest to pursue. Bless the woman who decides to date a man who is like this. At the same time she had the choice to do it, and now she has the choice to get out. Hopefully whoever that woman may be she decides to make the right choice for both him, herself, and both’s sanity.
Yes Cliff, there are many mama’s boys out there seeking true love on a regular basis. You have to wonder about the women that hook up with types like this. Are they plain old desperate? Sometimes that is a thought. But as you stated, the woman have the chance to bail out before she goes completely insane or in the lock up!
This is great content. Very useful indeed.
I like most love seeing the passion out there, the many ways we can help others. I’m all for helping others and making people feel confident and comfortable.
I’m sure you will lots of viewers your content is great :-
This is awesome and so unique lol I hope you succeed
Thank you my dear. Love’s always in the air! True love is experienced by most…even the ‘Mama Boys’ out here today. Most women don’t even know they have one until deep into the relationship, then they come out of their true bag.
Haha, this made me laugh out loud! Having been single the last few years I have definitely dated a few of these types! I love the bit about drinking prune juice and having to endure 24-hour cartoon marathons! I have certainly dated a few guys who want me to be their mum and do everything for them – such a turn off!! Thanks for making me laugh 🙂
Louise, I know most folks who read this dudes profile, always get a big kick and know people who fit this. Yes…they are out there lurking in the doorway of their mama’s basement, seeking some poor innocent soul. (Another young life to wreck!) The most saddening thing is some women will try to deal with this ‘babyfied’ individual type. (Until it get so bad the woman does something she may regret later, and end up in the hospital for the criminal insane)! LOL
Hey, Ronald, I had a blast reading your article, Mama boy, come on Ronald, this was so funny I had to let my wife read your post. I’ve seen your work in the past and this one is really come deep within your heart and soul. Funny hilarious, definitely a pick me up after a hard day of blogging. Thanks
Hello my friend Anthony. I’m really happy you enjoyed my ‘Mama’s boy’ profile. Although I’ve created many others, this is one of my favorite drawings and profile. And you know what Anthony, there are real life guys out here that fit this discription. You know…the ones who’s still living in their mama’s basement thinking they’re cool. (Oh, boy! They have a rude awakening!)
Oh, poor little man! I like the way you have portraited this particular subject, very funny. There are probably a lot of mummies boys out there that are looking for a mother figure to marry or partner up with. But on the flipside, a woman who gets together with a guy like this probably needs someone to look after due to the way she has been brought up in her home. This would make a perfect couple, man needs a mother figure, the woman needs a child figure! Interesting subject.
As they say Kris, the old saying goes ‘there’s always somebody for everybody!’ A woman for sure has to have issues of her own, to even think about setteling for a joker like this. Our city streets and single’s bars are loaded with this type. (A woman only finds out the truth when it’s too late….like when his mom calls to cuss her out.)
This is really funny. One of my best friends is a complete mamas boy. He doesn’t do nothing without letting his mama know about it first and he is a grown man lol.
He still lives in her house and has no plan to move out. I just like to view it as he really loves and appreciate his mother.
But he ain’t afraid to admit he is a mamas boy, he takes pride in it lol. This is a cool article, definitely sharing this on Facebook.
Hi Garrett. I really appreciate you sharing this on social media for all to see. Now you can approach your best friend, show him the post and say, “Hey dude! This Ron guy really got you down to a tee.” LOL. There are many mama boy’s out there, still living in their mama’s basement. You couldn’t pay these guys to move out! (They’ll still be there even if the house is torn down). LOL.
I found this post hilarious. It was well laid out and easy to read.Your sense of humor comes out in your writing style and though comedic it rings so true in many cases.
Good selection of images. Header was a perfect representation of sophistication which was 180 degrees to the message of the post. Fitting to your comedic style.
I hope the title “How To Select A Compatible Mate” is or will be a series. It was enticing enough for me to want to read more.
Thank you Oscar for checking in with me. There’s a lot of Mama Boy types out there and the women who’s seeking should run in the opposite direction. (…too much whining and crying). As far as a series go, you can view more characters like this by clicking on the link https://www.smashwords.com/boo…
HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, oh my God!!!! Had me laughing from beginning to end. A hilarious and Great post. I’m definitely going to have to share this to my facebook and my dating group. What made me bust more were some of these really held some truth in them like I totally know some mamas boys that fit this profile in real life hahah. That just made it more hilarious for me.And my ex husband was mama’s boy too,you made my day.hahahahahh
Yes Julienne, I got a good laugh myself as I was creating this character. Although all my characters are funny, ‘Mama’s Boy’ is one of my favorites. Your right, they are out here I real life, walking the streets and making other women’s life miserable. (Think of it as adopting another child.) If these women out here ends up settling for this type, then they better have their head examined.
Hi Ronald,
Another great one Ronald. I also enjoyed Doris. Yeh, you are hitting the nail on the head. Men will always be men. You either love them or hate them, but Mama will always love them. Thanks for a good laugh. I absolutely love your site and am going to bookmark it for the days I need a pick-me-upper.
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for reading my other funny post. Yes Rika, Mama’s Boy in a class by himself. I guess a lot of dudes just don’t grow up! Some are grown and still live with mommy. Please share these characters (Mama’s Boy and Dirty ol’ Doris) with your social media list. (They should get a BIG uplifting kick out of them).
Tongue in cheek, to the max, though I’m sure that it’s mostly women who will get the humor in the post. I wonder if you’ve gotten any other feedback from men. Some might be offended, but those who do will probably first be defensive; if they are, I’d think they’d be in the Moma’s Boy category, to some extent.
Hey Kevin, you know I’ve had one guy who told me he saw himself in my ‘Mama’s Boy’ post. He loved the post and admitted he’s one. Some guys got a good laugh, but yes women got into this character more. Good comedy is for everyone, men and women. Funny humor knows no boundaries. It’s there for all to enjoy!
My husband is a bit of a mamma’s boy but luckily only in a few of the better ways (adores his Mom and loves her cooking). He is glad that I am very different than his Mom in other ways and is happy to admit that many things I cook are better than his Mom’s. He puts me first and truly appreciates me. He was a U.S. Marine so definitely not a push over and knows hows to take care of himself in the world without anyone to take care of him. He actually does most of the dishes and he is a good cook so I can’t complain!
I would not have the patience to deal with a true mamma’s boy! We met after he was already divorced and I had several long term relationships so we were a bit more realistic in what we wanted in a partner. We were both picky and wanted the “right” person, not just someone. We both grew up in remote areas as only children. We both had dog teams and our parents both ran remote lodges in the wilderness. That background is what we liked about each other in the first place.
We are very happy together though we are totally different in some ways. He is much more social than me but we share a love of good food (we watch cooking shows all the time), history and many other subjects. I would recommend everyone be be very picky about who they marry! Get it right the first time!!!! Don’t settle.
Hi Swangirl. Thanks for dropping by. Your response is much different than most I received from this post. Yours is one of a true ‘love story’. A story where you dodged the ‘mama boy’ type and found a real man that’s giving you true love. Sounds like y’all are very compatible and should spend a lifetime of happiness together. Your story is a great testament to all the ladies still on the hunt…just take your time. Steer clear of the ‘mama boy’ type. The right one will eventually come along.
i think mamas boy will end up being controlled by a woman narcissist. He can be ripped off from his obedient nature. To be a happy person, I think the mamas boy can be really happy if he couple with a single mom. They both can work together happily. His mom already trains him to become kind of a butler.
Yeah Kit, you would think these ‘mama boy’ types would enjoy spending time with their mommy than with a regular girl…and you’re right, they do! (Mamma comes first.) Whatever mommy says, he does! This is the main woman that controls his life! No one else will do!!
Hey there Ronald,
This post is absolutely hilarious! It gave a me a good laugh and lifted up my mood 😀 Had a lot of fun reading it from the start til the very finish. I laughed very hard especially at ”Favourite Drinks” & ”Turns Off” parts :D. I really admire the pictures You used here, especially the first one wich perfectly describes the way ”Mama’s Boys” act and look like 😀 As far as dating them goes, damn… I can only imagine how frustrating it has to be to date them ;D Having a grown ass man acting like a spoiled child is very irritating indeed (guys also don’t want to be around these ”mama boys”, let alone be friends with them ;D). Thank You for this great post, looking forward to reading more of Yours! Keep up the good work 😉
Thanks Evald for reading and enjoying my post. It’s a sad thing that all across town, you’d find these ‘mama’s boy’ type anywhere. In every city and small town. Mamma runs things in his life. His only purpose is to ‘obey’ mom and do what he’s told, These babyfied dudes will drive a normal woman insane!
So ladies, steer clear of this type unless you wanna end up in jail for murder! Evald, please share this post with your social media downline..
Wow this was actually interesting and funny to read.when i saw the qualifications of a mamas boy i was scared that i might fall into that category but as i read further it made me giggle my worries away. However, there are actually guys like this out there and i think its important to know and to be on the look out for them
Great and lovely post Ronald. Hope to get more from you!!
Hi my friend. These poor women out here thinking they found the man of their dreams, only to find out later in the relationship they have a ‘straight up Mama’s Boy.” Now they feel obligated raising a grown child. (If they dump them too soon, they may throw a temper-tantrum). Yes Kemdi21, they are out her, in every city and small town. So ladies, Watch Out!!
On a roll today with your articles! Haha, I’m getting back in the dating game so your articles are really helpful. I’ve never liked a spoiled girl because I’ve seen that they are a ‘pain in the butt’. It’s the same for men for sure. I feel like a spoiled partner is just hard to deal with – they are too prissy. As an outdoorsy guy that doesn’t mind getting dirty, ‘spoiled girl’ makes it hard to do things. I’ve seen it with some of my friends. Girls, as a guy I’ll tell you, stay away from spoiled men. They just aren’t the type of people that will do you any good long term.
I agree Parmi. There are spoiled women out here just like spoiled guys who are a ‘pain in the butt.’ (Lump ’em all on one big boat, them ship ’em all off to sea!) But then again, as men regarding women; “can’t live with them, can’t live without them.” (regardless of how their personalities are.) Women looking for love, should definitely shy away from these ‘babyfied idiots! Please share this funny post with those in your downline that needs a good laugh.
Hi Ronald. Really comprehensive and must have a tutorial to be on the shelves in dating treasure library.
In a bit more serious, I know at least a couple of married couples who live with the mother in law, only to stay together. Who knows, maybe some women deserve it and is happy.
Hi Andrejs. How are you? It would be nice to have my book on a shelf in the library for all to see. (Can’t go wrong with that.) But you can download an ebook copy of my boo to see more characters. People date and end up staying with whoever they want, mama’s boy or not. But whatever floats your boat is fine with me! Please share my article with others.
WOW!! That is quite the profile. Tell me, have you met someone like this, I mean was this bio modeled from a real person? I wonder if such a person actually exists and if so how would they possibly hope to find true love?
Hi WOW. These characters I create are fictional, but holds today’s truths; meaning there’s a little craziness in us all. But there are plenty of Mama’s Boys within our society. I know no one personally, but they are ‘striking out’ daily in the dating arena. My friend, go to this link to view more funny profiles. https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/717520
I got a real kick out of this post. A spoiled man will indeed be a pain in the butt! Even though there was a bit of exaggeration going on here you really hit on a few points that define the term. There are guys out there like this, and they should be an anathema to women.
They are simply too high maintenance to make the effort worthwhile. I have two daughters, and when they were teenagers, I never failed to point out these sissies when they tried to invade our family. I would ask pointed questions like “Do you really want to clean up after this baby the rest of your life? or “What do you mean he doesn’t have a job?”
The kids used to get riled up when I would point out facts like these sorts are like anchors, as in they drag you down, but as the years went on, they saw the sense in a lot of what I was saying and waited for a dude that was worth their time and attention.
I think the funniest one-liners you added that really hit it out of the park for me were the last book (bed wetting?) and the vital statistics (excess baby fat)…Hilarious! Thanks for the moment this morning, I needed a good laugh!
Hey Dave, when it comes to our daughters (I have two as well), we definitely have to keep our eyes and minds open as to who they bring through the front door. My daughters never wanted me around when they first started dated (They knew I was gonna give them the third degree.)
But regarding to these ‘mama boy’ types, these are the type of dudes we don’t want our daughters to marry. They worth a dime! Please share this funny post with other parents.
lol definitely had a laugh there Annie!
Favourite music Flintstones and the prune juice part had me laughing non-stop probably because it’s true as I have lots of friends who actually still do that. I know a mother’s cooking is always the best but when they start comparing, Jesus, that really gets on my nerves every time, doesn’t it!
Hey Riaz, those Mama’s Boys gotta leave that prune juice alone (they’ll eventually crap in their diaper). LOL. You are right regarding the fact that some people have friends just like this. Some dudes never grow up, and women still put up with their childish ways.
WOW!! Now that is quite the profile. Is this profile taken from someone you actually know? I am so hoping this is merely a generalization of what one may look like. Tell me, how is such a person ever hopeful of finding a true loving relationship?
I an honestly say I have never come across such a person, and I am truly grateful for that fact.
However, this article truly was a great read and a bit of a giggle, well done. I enjoyed the read!!
Thanks ONMC, for checking in with me. Mama’s Boy is one crazy profile. It cracked me up as I was creating it. And to think there are a lot of guys fitting this profile. To answer your question, establishing a solid, loving relationship starts with trust and getting to know the person’s personality. Maybe some women figure they could change a person like this childish joker. Some women step up to the plate and accept the challenge.
My friend, again thanks for visiting. Please share this post with your social downline.
There are different types of men. These type of men always bring their mom into the equation and try to make their partner have traits that looks very much like that of their mom. Unfortunately, females don’t like this especially when these men take moms side instead of theirs.
I have actually come across some females that were kinda fond of mamas boy. I have no idea why they did but they just did. I guess everyone has their own thing and something that I hate might actually be what you like and vice versa. Whatever the case may be, I think spoiled men need to know that they are no longer home and can no longer hide under moms shield.
Welcome back, Jay. When I create characters such as a ‘Mama’s Boy’ type, it’s mostly fictional, but with a touch of overall reality. Everyone seems to know a ‘Mama’s Boy.’ Women who are attracted to this type, have their eye on changing them. Get them out of that little boy mentality. Most times you can’t change a person. Even the most difficult ones.
Hey Ronald,
This is an unique article I must say. I laughed a lot while reading your article. It’s true that there are lots of mama’s boys out there. Many girls who even date this type should know there are many guys with more maturity and qualities. So I think girls should be more aware of this while dating someone.
I really liked reading your article. Thank you for writing this article.
Thank you my friend Extrovert1, for checking in with me. Glad you enjoyed my funny article. I agree that everywhere you look, there’s a ‘Mama’s Boy’ lurking around every corner. Of course, there are ‘real men’ out there who women can settle on instead of ‘Thumb Suckers.’ Most desperate women settle for the first thing they find! Please share this with others.
Hi Ronald, I was ready to be thrilled and I got thrilled again by your post. This is very hilarious coupled with the image drawings..lol! I was just laughing all through while reading. Actually, I do watch all these kind of characters in movies and I would surely love to have a first hand experience of them by seeing them or becoming a friend with one. But seriously, this post was funny. Definitely coming back for more.
Hi Ro, welcome back! I’m glad U get a kick out of my original unique characters. (They truly are one of a kind!) These are the type of dudes who strike out each and every time when it comes down to dating and relationships. That’s why I figured it’s my sole duty to warn these lonely, singles in advance, what to expect in the dating arena. So without further ado….I present (Dat daddaDa Da Dat Daaaaaaa) “How to Select a Compatible Mate.” More funny characters to check out. (….see 30% Free) Go here, then download link.
Hi Ronald
LOL….. I can’t stop laughing.
The subject really let me believed that I may have been wrong to stay away from mama’s boys. But the content was awesome. They are single for a reason and if they can’t change, sorry for them.
I got one and gave him some few months, thinking that I can help him improve. But the boy took it as a cometition to show me how his mama was the best woman in the world. So, I took off without a word.
Thanks for sharing
Hi my friend. Thank you for dropping in. I’m so happy my post entertained you. (…and I have many others). It’s amazing, that although a fictional type character is displayed here, there also is a degree of reality shown. Mama boy’s seem to be everywhere. My friend if you like this one, then you’ll like these. Click the link:
Hilarious! As much of a pain in the butt as I can be, I’m glad I’m not quite this bad, lol. But yes, there are lots of man-boys out there that don’t quite grow up the way they’re supposed to. If you ask me, that’s a huge part of the reason the world is the way it is these days. I’m going to pass this on to a couple friends who I know would get a kick out of it. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Mark. Thanks for checking in with me. I agree, some mama’s boys can be a real card. World-class winners.LOL. These type will be very lucky if they ever find love. Most woman just won’t deal with it. Please share this post with your social media community. Aso, If you like this profile, here’s more. Check them out:
Hi Ronald,
Love your quirky, humorous site on what signs women should look out for in a Mamas boy. Spoiled rotten all their lives, mother didn’t do them any favours by doing everything for them, they don’t know how to stand up on their own two feet, I often wonder how some people end up together and then split after a short time or after a long time. Personally I believe in looking for someone that is going to be compatible with your interests otherwise you will eventually end up going in different directions. Love the article
Yes Fintan, I agree with the statement; “whatever floats your boat.” in regards to finding what you searching. It’s great when folks find true love. But sometime when they think they found happiness, they end up in misery; especially if a woman lands a mama’s boy. Please share this post with others.
Hahaha! Really hilarious. 😀 I’m not sure if you’ve met this guy or your exaggerating a bit to make it more comical, but I’m sure these guys exist. The bad thing for you in not only the constant comparison with mummy but also, mummy’s interference to your relationship. It will be like you’re having a relationship with his mum, instead of him…
Made my day!
This is hilarious. This really brightened my day. And what a unique site you got here. Never seen anything like it. I’ve never dated this character. But if I ever did, I would probably run for the hills. It’s a good example of reflecting on what you don’t want. Sometimes that is the key.
Thank you miss Momo for stopping by. I’m glad you found my site interesting and entertaining. I try to be unique in my work, different from the pack. Comical, but sprinkled with reality. Pray that you never run across this type, without some type of advanced noticed. But help has arrived!! Now the single person will get a gander and their profiles in advance. click here to see what I mean:
Please share my post with others
Hey Ronald,
This is really an unique article I must say. I laughed a lot while reading your article as I have not come across these type of articles before. I think your article is going to helpful for many people. I have a friend of mine who is like this personality you have stated and he need to lighten him up. So I am going to share this article to him. I will be looking forward to get more articles like this from you.
Thank you for writing such an amazing article.
Hi Mahin, thanks for dropping by. I guess there are many dudes out there that fit this momma boy profile. Soma folks don’t never grow up. It would be nice if my article, exploded on many other folks websites. If you want to see more, go back and optin for my free book.
This is an interesting topic, one that I honestly haven’t seen before. I can see how you would have laughed while writing this post. A mama’s boy is undoubtedly a challenging one. Excess baby fat, brilliantly hilarious. Warm baby cabbages, macaroni & cheese and a Milky Way bar, hah! Prune juice, sounds delightful! I can see you had a lot of fun with this post, and I too really enjoy reading your humor. Your rating is pretty spot-on at a 2.4. I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts!
Thank you my friend for checking it out. This is one of my favorites. You can see some more just by filing in the optin form.They are also, pretty funny. Mama’s boys seem to be all over. You’ll find many of these over-grown men still living at home in their mama’s basement. Please share this with others.
Hi Ronald! This was funny. But it’s also a pity for a man to not assume responsibility as he should. Arriving adulthood and still thinking as a boy, is a bigger problem than it seems to be at first glance. In most cases, those moms don’t know the extent of the harm they’re occasioning by bringing them up that way. And most people around them won’t tolerate their spoiled behavior.
Thank you Henry for your compliment. Glad u enjoyed reading my funny post. I have a few more up my sleeve. Lol. You’ll see this type all over. These dudes just don’t wanna grow up. They cry and have a fit when nothing goes there way. Please share my funny post with others. Thanks.
Greetings Ronald!
Thank you for sharing with us your knowledge about “Mama’s Boy” type of men.
I totally agree that living with these types of personalities is extremely difficult and exhausting. Furthermore, a woman needs a man to take care of her, and not her taking care of him, what’s cool about dating a baby? I really liked the details you mentioned and the drawing is perfect!
Thank you again for this amazing post!
Keep up the good work!
Thank you my friend Georgio for stopping by. These type of dudes still live with their mama (usually in their mama’s basement). No woman in their life at all. Weekend nights usually are nights in front of the tv. Like you mentioned Georgio, what woman would want a dude that they gotta practically change his diaper for him. LOL. Please share my funny post with others.
Wow! A pretty interesting story about the spoiled man! Ha ha!
In real life, I have seen many spoiled men as you described, but thanks god I am probably not among them, at least my wife never blamed me in this way.
The most joking line of your story, he’ll ask his mom about the best position! Ha ha! Do they really?
Anyway, to be honest, my own elder sister spoiled her life after getting married to such a spoiled man, and finally, the relation ends up. She is now living alone with her son and scientific research. Staying single from the age of only 40 is not an easy job.
Anyway, thank you for sharing, but it is pretty tough to handle a spoiled man. What do you think?
Dr. SD, thanks for sharing your views on the ‘Mama Boy’ delima. It appears that all you have to do is check some old lady’s basement, and there you’ll find him….sitting there playing video games!! To answer your question, maybe there are women out there, that will put up with this type. (Different strokes, for different folks).
I was grinning from ear to ear! I never dated a mama’s boy but I had a friend who unfortunately did. The worst part in the relationship is the mother always getting in the way. It sometimes go really bad like the mom would belittle my friend in social media and the bf doesn’t do anything at all. Glad that everything has ended between the two of them.
Anyway, I like your style of writing humor. It’s giving a lot of warning signs behind the funny truth. I was even giggling as I stir a cup of NesQuik that I’m supposed to give to my 12 yr. old son. No worries, he’s not a mama’s boy.
Seems these Mama Boys run rampant! LOL. They’re everywhere! Lurking in every basement of his parents home. Unfortunately, some women ends up finding out later that they’re #2 with their spouse. They soon realize that they can’t compete with #1(..the woman that bought their ass into the world)!
Please share my funny post with others!