Creative Recipes & Amazing Art | A Mixture Of Good Ingredients.

Creative Recipes & Amazing Art | A Mixture Of Good Ingredients.

Incredible Recipes & Preparations For Any Time Or Day-Of-The-Week.   Original Oil Painting Created By Mr. Ron Kennedy ______________________________________________________________ SEE OUR AMAZING SALAD BITES, SNACKS, DINNERS, DESSERTS & GREAT ANYTIME DISHES. Prepare & serve incredible meals, with a kiss of ‘love & romance.’ Great snacks and amazing dishes are in order. My wife was a…

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What Ingredients Does It Take To Create ‘A First-Time Dating’ Recipe?

A Mixture Of Love, Flavorful Personality & Tasteful Humor Is What’s ‘KEY.’ Open Up And Get To Know Each Other Some people go on first dates to evaluate a person’s potential as a sexual partner. Often, people have dates arranged for them by their friends, or they meet the individual at work, a party, in…

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How LGBTQ Couples Follow 10 Tips For Happiness

Want To Know What It Takes Regarding Loving Your Partner, UNCONDITIONALLY?! Then Read More…   When touching on same-sex couples; like any romantic relationship, it involves elements such as communication, trust, support, intimacy, etc;. The love between same-sex couples is characterized by the same range of emotions, challenges, and joys as in any other relationship….

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How 5 Simple Beauty Tips Will Make You Amazing.

How 5 Simple Beauty Tips Will Make You Amazing.

Your issues are recognized and easily resolved here! You may wonder what makes me such an authority on a woman’s beauty and what they’re most passionate about when it comes to their appearance? I was married for 37 years and raised a houseful of girls. So over the years as they grew up, I’ve always…

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How You Can Better Your Life After Divorce.

How You Can Better Your Life After Divorce.

  Newly Divorced? A New Life Has Just Begun! By Ronald Kennedy January 23, 2023 Talk it out! Working with a professional therapist can give you solid support, as well as practical tips to help you manage your money, housing, child care and health insurance. Professional guidance can also help you create time and space…

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What Different Ways Are Self-Esteem Measured?

What Different Ways Are Self-Esteem Measured?

  Here Are Questions Asked Regarding The Different Level Of Measurements Between Men & Women! Types of age groups, sex, psychological effects regarding self-esteem, along with obesity, the causes of low self-esteem are touched on.  It seems that many men & women today, feel self-esteem is measured on looks. the better you look, the higher…

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Barbara Wannabe – Profile Of The Phony CEO.

Barbara Wannabe – Profile Of The Phony CEO.

Barbara Really Thinks She Knows Her Stuff. By Ronald Kennedy November 23, 2022 In the business world within corporate America, you may find all types of ‘yes men’ and ‘wannabes!’ Liars and straight folks! Sober CEO’s that knows all about marketing in corporate America, will try to succeed and grow at all cost. (They don’t…

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Can Lack Of Intimacy Be Improved?

Can Lack Of Intimacy Be Improved?

Is Trust And Emotional Closeness An Issue With You? By Ronald Kennedy November 26, 2022 My friend, first lets look at the theoretical definition for intimacy: It’s the quality of a relationship in which the individuals must have reciprocal feelings of trust and emotional closeness toward each other and are able to openly communicate thoughts…

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How To Romance The Love Of Your Life.

How To Romance The Love Of Your Life.

You’ll Experience A Great Feeling With The Right Person. Get That ‘Charged Up’ Feeling With That Special Someone. By Ronald Kennedy November 18, 2022 How can you continue to date someone without romance? It just won’t work. Love and romance goes hand-in-hand; eventually commitment follows. Remember, love makes the world go ’round! Happiness fills your…

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What You Should Know About First Time Dating.

What You Should Know About First Time Dating.

  To Date or Not To Date? Open Up And Get To Know Each Other Some people go on first dates to evaluate a person’s potential as a sexual partner. Often, people have dates arranged for them by their friends, or they meet the individual at work, a party, in class, in their community or…

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