How to manage your relationship

How Can I Find Someone For Me – 4 Major Steps To Follow.

Latest Update: September 15, 2024

Dr. Seuss relationship goals quotes

Finding love with someone of the opposite sex starts with understanding yourself and what you genuinely seek in a partner. Reflect on your values, interests, and goals to identify what aligns with your vision for a relationship. Engage in activities and communities that resonate with your passions, expanding your social circle naturally. Be open, approachable, and willing to take genuine interest in others.

Communication and honesty are key—express your true self and listen actively. Building a connection takes time, so be patient and resilient. How can I find someone for me; still enters the back of your mind.  But  remember, love often blooms when you’re focused on personal growth and embracing life’s opportunities.

                      Here are some important factors:



How Can I Find Someone For Me?
Couple working together painting apartment.

Your search should clearly focus on the other person’s personality.

It would be great to find someone that has something in common with you. That’ll come over time once you slowly get to know the person.

Remember, that’s when you’re the most relaxed, the most satisfied. Knowing you have someone you can talk about things with.

Before, getting over the challenge of just meeting someone, would’ve been tough. With everyone masking up before, you never got a chance to see how nice looking or how ugly a person really is.


How can I find someone for me.
Feeling happy that she’s talking to new guy online.

As far as looks are concerned, you’d have to guess and ask yourself, “Just how ugly is that person behind the mask?”

You can really get a good feel for a person through ‘face-time.’ No need to worry about fakes because you know who you’re talking to already. (Make sure it’s a ‘live video chat).

You’ve already met. Now you can start getting to know each other better through video. Keep in mind, things have changed in todays world of dating.

You may not like communicating this way, but for now, it’s just something we all have to deal with. Meeting someone in todays time is NOT an impossible task!

It’s just how you go about it. And the way you do that is by being respectable towards the other person (even online)!


how can i find someone for me
A ‘getting to know you better’ lunch.

Once you’re both feeling comfortable and safe with each other, a good first meeting at a restaurant or some other place you both agree on would be nice.

Many more good things can come out of a meeting like this. You can really find out more about the ‘compatibility factor’ among yourselves.

There’s much information you can uncover about a person in a relaxed restaurant environment. (One thing you’ll find out right away is what one of their favorite foods are).


how can i find someone for me?
Couple finally having ‘face to face’ meeting.

After much texting, calls and safe ‘in person’ meetings you feel you know this person very well.

(Maybe he or she is the one). Maybe it’s time!

You’ve been single long enough. It’s been 3 years now and a spouse would be nice.

But of course along with commitment comes ‘Trust.’ (This is so important in any relationship). Trust should be valued among couples and not taken for granted.


How Can I Find Someone For Me?
They have to figure out how to make their relationship better.

Trust and commitment are the cornerstones of any strong relationship.

Trust is built through consistent honesty, reliability, and transparency, forming a foundation where both partners feel secure and valued.

It requires time and effort to develop, but once established, it fosters intimacy and mutual respect.

“Commitment involves dedicating oneself ‘to nurturing the relationship, even through challenges.”

It means prioritizing your partner’s well-being and investing in shared goals. Both trust and commitment are reciprocal; as you demonstrate these qualities, they strengthen the bond and deepen the connection. Together, they create a resilient partnership where love can thrive and grow.

Love and trust are essential for a strong relationship. Love involves deep emotional connection and mutual respect, while trust is built through consistent honesty and reliability.

Together, they create a secure foundation, enabling partners to feel valued and supported. This combination fosters intimacy and strengthens the relationship over time.


In Conclusion

Finding an individual to love and cherish is a journey filled with discovery and connection. It often begins with self-reflection, understanding one’s values, desires, and what truly brings joy. Building meaningful relationships requires openness, vulnerability, and the willingness to embrace imperfections—both one’s own and those of others.
As we engage with different people, we learn to recognize compatibility, shared interests, and emotional resonance. Love flourishes in environments of trust, respect, and communication, where both partners feel valued and understood. Cherishing someone goes beyond mere affection; it involves supporting their dreams, celebrating their achievements, and standing by them through life’s challenges.
Ultimately, finding that special individual is about creating a bond that enriches both lives, fostering growth and happiness, and nurturing a deep connection that transcends the superficial. Through this journey, love becomes a beautiful tapestry woven from shared experiences, laughter, and unwavering companionship.

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  1. What a great place. As a man, I have to say that it is difficult to find a person to fit in and decide to get along with. It is necessary for the relationship to succeed to have trust, mutual retreats, mutual respect. The word commitment scares most people. Of course, I’m not because I’m committed. Although, I appreciate your source humor and your approach. It’s very smart and I find it amusing and really true.

    1. Hey Water life, I’m so glad you enjoyed my post. Trust and honesty is for sure the ‘glue’ that holds any and all relationships together. Being committed is also ‘key’ once you’ve established yourself. Like I said before, commitment give some folks a ‘heart attack’ just thinking about it. LOL. Please share my article with others.

  2. Dear Ronald, thank you for writing this entertaining and easy to digest article filled with several tips in relevant areas. We enjoy your frankness and also the tips you share. As a loved up couple (who have experienced the lessons of prior relationships… and are highly engaged in this one), we agree that Honesty and Commitment is key in any relationship… especially if you want it to survive! Another big one for us is having an open mindset where one is dedicated towards personal development. RESPECT is another biggie. We agree with you on many points raised and have gone ahead to read the rest of your articles on your website. We LOVE them too!  “Make Love, Not War”, is a saying that iTo says regularly! The book reminds us of an ancient Asiatic way in determining mates for people based on facial profiles as well as body types (apart from astrology and other intricate methodologies). We look forward to reading your book!

    1. Hello my friend. Thank you for the nice compliment regarding my article. Glad you enjoyed it. Sometime relationships are compared to a carnival roller coaster. Up & down and a feeling of unsteadiness. Hopefully, it’ll all smooth out! All relationships function differently. You can get a free copy of my book by plugging in your info in the box.

  3. Wow, this is really interesting, it’s so realistic that some guys just choose to be plain lazy, sitting around at home with no work to do, this thing is so frustrating and discouraging for ladies. This article is a very sensitive one and it should be taken with utmost seriousness. Relationships are breaking day after the other just because of some understanding issues and even frustrations from partners. Taking time to find the special one is really nice, this made me remember the saying that goes thus, there’s a man for every woman and vice versa. This article is well composed, it’s really thoughtful of you to share it.

    1. Thank you Dreajay for stopping by. Yes, it was important that I touch on many key elements, and construct this article in a humorous way: a way that anyone with a sense of humor can relate to. We all have been in love at some point in our lives. Some relationships are ‘hit’ and ‘miss,’ but he, you win some, lose some. Please share this post with others.

  4. Selecting a compatible partner is one big decision that is taken in one’s life, making a wrong choice can be so disastrous and calamitous to both the man and the woman. This article has touched the most important aspect of dating and relationships, the simple mistakes young people make nowadays when it comes to dating makes it so hard for them to stay in a relationship for long. This should go into the public and make great changes in the lives of many people and teach them to make wise decisions when it comes choosing a partner and dating. I’ve enjoyed reading every bit of this article, so nice of for sharing it.

    1. Thank you my friend for enjoying my article. I write and construct my articles in a humorous way, as to where the readers will experience an enjoyable mix of laughter and truth. The dating arena is filled with a ‘roller coaster’ of emotions harbored by misguided individuals seeking love and romance. But it’s all just ‘hit & miss.’ As the saying goes; “If at once you don’t succeed, try, try again.” Please share this post with your social media downline.

  5. One thing I could say when two people meet up for the first few times, or talk on the phone they should not be asking for sex right off. Should also not be asking how much money one makes. It’s almost like they don’t really care about a long lasting relationship. I love the article, nicely done.

    1. Hey Jim, I think they have special sites out there strictly for ‘knocking the boots.’ LOL. I know it’s a turn off for many dudes looking for decent and respectable women out here. Run the other way, if a woman question your income right out of the starting gate. I’d cuss her out first, or put her down so bad, she would think twice about questioning a man’s financial status again. Please share this with others.

  6. I think this also very important to note that, whilst looking for dinner beauty don’t forget to find someone whose outward looks will have you satisfied enough to keep you away from going after other women or men and also don’t let the outward beauty receive you. Character always should go first from my own point of view, because we are talking about building a home here not looking for a part time mate and destroying the future of your kids. Before deciding on important issues like getting married or having babies always be sure they are really who you think they are and you know their worst parts and how to take care of it.

    1. Hi Donny, you made some good points. Beauties only skin deep. Inner beauty is more important than outer beauty. Of course, regarding either sex, everybody wants a nice looking person on their arm. When you’re out, you like to show off your prize possession to the public. It makes you feel proud. But all in all, couples should really sit down, plan things out and carefully focus to see where their lives are headed.

  7. Great article about love and playing love games and much more! I really loved your quote “the sad truth is that so many people are in love but not together and so many people are together but not in love. This really shows the reality of many relationships nowadays. What comes to red flags, I have been in semi-long relationships with two different women who were (are) narcists and last time the end of the story was when I was in the hospital after her and her sisters knife attack on me. However, thanks for sharing this, bookmarked your site to read more articles later on today

    1. Thank you my friend, for enjoying my work. Shaky relationships within couples are like going on a roller coaster ride. Up and down, all around! it’s always a good thing if we can find that special someone in the ‘first shot.’ I’m sorry to hear about your woman & her sister lashing out on you with violence. (I’m hoping you soon cut her loose behind that) You did press charges, I hope?

      I always say ‘there’s somebody for everybody.’ When the right person comes along, you’ll know it. Please share my post with others.

  8. Its been twenty years since I was in the dating scene but I can still remember being anxious and unsure. Sure I was confident on the outside but sweaty hands and shaky knees were the norms when I met my wife. You have some great dating tips here. The one thing I would recommend though is I spent too long looking for love and when I stopped looking so hard I finally found the one and it didn’t take long.

    1. Yes Andy, it’s amazing how an individual can slow down their search and without any additional effort, have the person of their dreams walk into their lives. It can turn out to be a match made in heaven! It’s only fair to say that there’s someone out there for everybody. Some make the mistake of grabbing the first thing that comes along, so they don’t have to be lonely. You got lucky my friend by slowing down. Congrats to you. Please share this post with others.

  9. The comment about conversation is great. It does definitely help to talk about what you are currently doing — whether it’s big projects or just little daily activities — you never know what small catalyst is going to lead to learning fun new things about someone else. Definitely try to be your best self and enjoy meeting new people no matter what!

    1. It’s great Aly, to put your best foot forward and keep yourself available to all. Of course, great conversation is good because you have to get to know the person you’re seeking. Everyone is different and the approach will vary. If at first you don’t succeed,….

  10. It is a great article because it is very informative for both sexes on how to approach ( for a guy) a girl that he likes and or to be able to date her very easily.

    I believe it is a great guideline for every guy looking to find a date and establish a relationship with a girl

    1. Thank you my friend. I’m glad you enjoyed my article on dating and relationships. Please share my article with others. A lot of educational info here, which can surely help others seeking love and its concept.

  11. I believe that from a male’s perspective confidence is key. You can say anything, do anything, but if not done confidently you’ll won’t go anywhere even in dating. So it’s really important for a guy to work on his inner game: meaning work on getting himself amped up, to say, for the big plunge, like self-motivation before approaching women, and work on what to say with confidence. That’s my take.  

    This is a great article. It reminds us that we men need to do the approach, the woman will unfortunately not, and if you blunder, seek the next until you get a good reception. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.  

    1. I agree my friend. Without confidence, you’ll always feel ‘down in the dumps’ as though no one will ever want you. In the dating world, they’ll be up & down situations. One of those situations, you may feel things are finally going your way. But on the other hand, your confidence must be at a high enough level to except the ‘bitter with the sweet.’ Only time will tell. Please share my post with others.

  12. What an interesting and eye-opening video. I guess the scenario works for both men and women. I really loathe partners that believe they are the most important party n the relationship. This only makes the other partner feel like the relationship is tedious works that needs to be finished and done with. There is really a lot to consider before settling for a mate. I don’t know how this checklist can be ticked by one single person. Then there are those who know how to perfectly conceal their true nature until when the relationship is sealed. Thank you for an entertaining and informative piece.

    1. Thank you for visiting my site, my friend. Sometimes the world of dating can produce an field of mixed emotions. Sometime, you don’t know if you’re coming or going. Depending on ever occurring issues in most relationships, things have to be clear and understood right from the get go. Don’t wait! Establish the ‘real self’ in your relationship and don’t be a phony. Please share my site with others.

  13. Finding “the right one” is not an easy task. In fact, I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t have to make a priority out of looking for my soulmate; that kind of attempt can easily turn into a real waste of time.

    I also agrre with the idea that we can learn a lot from our past relationships that should make us realize the importance of avoiding toxic relationships. The right person will always help you become the best variant of yourself, not the worst one…

    It is fine to have pleasant online or offline conversations, but becoming desperate to fill the void in one’s love life at all costs can be a bad and unhealthy behaviour.

    1. Thank you my friend for checking in and commenting. Relationships can be a tricky thing and a daunting task. It can be ‘mentally draining’ for that person seeking true love. We all hope for a ‘win-win’ situation! But No one ever knows what the outcome will be. You would only hope that it’s not a waste of time! Please share my article.

  14. your web site is funny and is set up in a way that can be understood. all of the comments were by people that enjoyed reading about ol Doris.  I found it to be hilarious and pretty engaging. you have a great mix of post serious and funny. your sense of humor will (in my opinion) take you to good things in life.  it shows how you want to help people understand how to have healthy relationships and what it takes to stay in a relationship. You wrote about cheating and not being faithful. Some hard topics for some. I want to wish you all the best on your website. just keep your audience engaged and happy. You have what it takes.

    all the best,


    1. Thank you Miriam for your kind words and the compliments. I’m glad you enjoyed my post and it made you laugh. In all my post, I’ve always incorporated some form of enjoyable humor for my readers. With ‘all the crap’ going on in the world today, we need more stuff that makes us feel good. I hope my writings are ‘filling the void.’ Please share my post with others.

  15. Hey Ron,

    You really made my day! It is a blessing to be able to read a post like this one. The title got me curious and excited to read through, then I started agreeing the moment I read through the first lines, and paragraph, until I finished. 

    I started with a thumbs up, then a smile, then peels of laughter followed…

    You’ve mentioned the basic, most important virtues and habits to always remember in the dating games of life:

    – Honesty

    – Sincerity

    – Humor – (recipe for a healthy relationship, may I add..)

    – Vigilance and wisdom (as in the advice-message in the video..)

    I love and laugh a lot about the farting and burping part of the story and real life…

    And I also agree much on the ‘Smile a lot’ advise. Smile is the best apparel anybody can wear that attracts everybody.

    May I just add my personal advise. I’m aware that we have individual religious opinions, but may I leave a piece of advise for singles in search of mates for keeps. I believe the God who created all things, has chosen a perfect match for each one of us. So, it is always best to ask guidance and wisdom from Him, when searching for that most-awaited mate.

    Thank you so much for posting this article.

    God bless you more,


    1. Thank you Chuna for the compliments. Really happy you enjoyed it. It seems those who are seeking a relationship must inherit those qualities mentioned, before they’ll get any notice from the opposite sex. Following my advice I wrote, will put you in good standing with whoever you’re seeking. A good, impressive start is what we must seek! Please share my post. Thank you.

  16. hellloo admin, thanks  a lot for sharing such wonderful and educative post with us all, i was actually doing some research online when i saw your article, i really want to commend your effort in bring such amazing site, your article eally has taught us a lot, knowing how to choose a right mate isn’t that easy, but I believe with post like these, it surely will be easy. Thanks a lot for the info.

    1. Thank you my friend for reading my post, even if you did run across it by accident. LOL. I try writing articles that’s educational and funny all in one. Being educated in a plain, and humorous manner, I feel more folks can relate and understand my writing style. Please share my post with others.  

  17. Hello Ronald, you have been one the few site owners who have a really nice way of captivating their audience with how they write and I really like how you have done this one. Dating is not an easy thing to do because you’ll have to bemd some of your rules to stay at peace and that can be really difficult some times. I would love to visit some other time. Cheers

    1. Thank you Justin, I try to always ‘rise above the pack,’ Being different is what it’s all about. Good informative writing will get anyone’s attention and hopefully hold it. You’re right, that dating and finding a compatible mate is a tough task. In reality, you win some, you lose some! That’s just the way of the world! Hopefully we find happiness in the end. Justin, please share my site with others.

  18. Interesting!  I am fortunate because I’m well beyond the age of worrying about dating or the opposite sex.  However, your article reminded me of bygone days, when I went through all the questions and insecurities that one goes through when wandering through the dating maze.  It was hard work, and sometimes very tiring!  I’m happy, now, to be home alone with my cat.

    It’s a wonder that we pair up at all, with all the questions and uncertainties.  I’m guessing that, though some things about dating have changed, the way men and women relate to each other is still much the same as in my youth.

    1. Thank you Fran for your input. The dating world has changed from past years, but not by that much. They’re still ‘nut case’ out there waiting to pounce on the more naive. It’s just a matter of taking your time and getting to know the person. Take it slow and discover their interest. You say it’s just you and your cat? You don’t have to be lonely Fran. Its never too late to find some sort of happiness in your life. It’s safer now meeting others online. (They may be a cat lover as well) Go here:

  19. Fascinating subject. I had a feel like reading a romantic short story.  Five basic approaches to win a woman that you have mentioned are true. Not getting attracted or intimidated by the external appearance of a person is real. First, start your conversation, and in a few days, you will get to know, or in reverse, they will get to know you. If everything goes well, you will be the winner.
    Just be your self instead of pretending is essential in building a relationship because hypocrisy will one day get exposed. I am bookmarking your site to read all your posts.


    1. Thank you my friend for checking in with me. I’m glad you enjoyed it and decided to bookmark me for future readings. I trying writing that’s helpful to all. Educational and enjoyable. Many folks, men and women, can learn a lot here. There’s much to learn about the craziness among the dating world. Over time, more knowledge is acquired to handle all situations. Please share my post with others.

  20. Hi Ronald, thank you for your amazing article about “How Dating Games Of Life Are Played”.

    Some great advice here!

    I think the worst part for most people is actually making the effort and going out and meeting somebody. It is always scary at first! 

    It isn’t always easy to find that special someone that you can connect with.

    You did a really good job! Congratulations!

    1. Rosalia, dating can be a nerve wrecking thing. Plenty of ‘highs and lows’ and never a dull moment. (At least, you hope not.)lol. As we get older, our knowledge is more focus on the task at hand. But sometimes, finding a compatible mate is not as easy as it seems. Please share my article.

  21. Hello there, The big question there is how do I determine compatibility in a relationship? Relationship with compatibility exists, first and foremost, when a couple relates with equality and respect. It’s important for couples to have fun together and really enjoy the time they spend together. Relationships thrive when two people share companionship and activities.thanks so much for sharing this.

    1. Yes, Ismeglamour. It takes two like-minded people, working together to make a relationship work. (This is where the compatibility comes into play.)  It’s a two-way street. A good bond develops when couples work towards building something solid. It all starts with good communication. Please share my post!

  22. This is a great article with great information on relationships and finding the right person to make a long lasting relationship with. Also very interesting to see how people are matched up. I think this is a wonderful thing your doing for people and I’m sure lots of people are thankful for something like this. Thanks for sharing the great information keep up the great work. 

    All the best,


    1. Thanks for the compliment on my article. Glad you liked it. Many relationships are just ‘hit & miss.’ Some folks just get together with  each other without really getting to know one another. These are disasters waiting to happen! Couples need to communicate more. Please share my post. 

  23. Thank you so much for sharing with us an interesting and excellent article. The principal content of this article is how dating games of life are played selecting compatible mates. It is really pretty that you have demonstrated this topic so well in your article. I have learned a lot by reading your article and gained a lot of cognition about it. Of the points mentioned in your article, I like to Build Your Self-Confidence. Having self-confidence will not be a problem for dating your preferred partner. To find out more about this I went to the Christian Cafe mentioned in your article and learned a lot from there. The advice and guidelines mentioned in your article will help anyone to close with their partner.

    Finally, I have read your article and enjoyed it. I would like to share the subject of the article in my social media group so that everyone can know about it.

    1. Hello Md. It’s good that you found value in my writing. I write for many people to enjoy and find some solution that will help them down the road. I find most folks need help in this area. Some need more help than others. Yes Md. Please let your downline read this post. Maybe it will provide some solution in their lives. Thanks again.

  24. A good one here, very well written and composed too. It’s wonderful how you’re able to tell us about love and life and this is one topic that needs universality. At one point or the other, we would need to select a mate for ourselves but having one that is compatible is the most important thing. Of all your articles, this one encompasses knowing traits of lovers but tells us about how to choose one that aligns with our traits.

    1. Thank you Jackie. I’m so happy that you enjoy my work. It makes me as a writer, feel good that I have dedicated readers. The subject of love and good relationships, at some point another, hits us all. Rather it be early in life or later. the ‘love bug’ is there. We pursue are feelings when it come to selecting a compatible mate. Please share this post with your downline. 

  25. Hello Roland! Thank you very much for sharing this article on how dating games of life are played. I’ve gone through it and it’s a really elaborate one with valuable information everyone can hold on to. Commitment is that magical word that so many tend to be afraid of. Any relationship without commitment is no relationship at all, right? It builds trust and love grows stronger. Thanks again Roland

    1. Hi Sophie. (it’s Ronald) Thanks for stopping by. To answer your question right away, Yes there must be commitment to have a ‘seal-tight’ relationship. It seems you can’t have one without the other. Love for the other will definitely grow, if the trust is their along with good communication. Sophie, please share my post with others. 

  26. Thanks for sharing this interesting article, it is very important for those who are out there wanting to meet their long life partners and don’t know how to make the right decision of selecting compatible mates, this article is very practical and very understandable, the tips you shared here very resourceful and will be of immense assistance.

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed my article. I also feel this will help guide many seekers down the path regarding, ‘hooking up’ and ‘long-term relationships.’ Dating games played now is something to stay on top of. Moving too quickly spells ‘disaster.’ My friend JBryce, please share my article with your downline.

  27. Thank you for the highlights here and for giving the full details on how this works and all. Honestly, this is great to see and I would say that I value it a lot. Surely it can not get any better than it is right now and that is good to seed. This dating game of life can only be done with the right commitment and willingness to give it chance to thrive. Thanks

    1. Thank you DarmiM for commenting. All relationships can workout if, like you say, put the work in and make it thrive. Both parties have to be on the same page. Wanting to achieve the same goals in life. Of course, if those goals are not discussed, then nothing is accomplished. Communication is ‘key.’ Please share my post with others.

  28. This is such great information. As one of those singles, confidence is my weakness. Every time I meet another person (whether new or old friend), I feel somewhat reluctant to start a conversation. I’m more of a submissive and passive person. I think I need to overcome my weakness first. Or, do you think it’s alright if I appear as that ‘weak’ person and is hopeful to find the right person?

    1. Hi Alblue, how are you? To answer your question, you do not have to display yourself as a ‘weak’ person thinking somehow this will draw women to you. No woman is gonna feel sorry for you and start talking to you just ‘out of pity.’ But all is not lost Alblue. I always say there’s ‘somebody for everybody’. If it’s your confidence that needs lifting, then here’s your solution. Check this out:

  29. Hey 

    Thank you for the interesting article. Love and relationships can be complicated. But somehow because we are created with a sense of belonging we cannot avoid them. So as you said one should pay attention to who s/he chooses and how to go about that.. The foundation of good relationships is authenticity and confidence, with this, everything else will fall in place .

    1. Yes my friend Bogadi, we as humans, do feel a ‘sense of belonging.’ (‘Gotta find me someone to love’, like the song goes by Freddie Mercury and Queen.) Sometimes we search high and low, but just cannot find true love. And when we do find someone, it’s always for a reason other than love. So fake! Please share my site with others. 

  30. What a very thorough article on looking for the right date. The one thing I know – one should do the things that they naturally like to do. The right person might also be there, enjoying the same thing. It could be in church or it could be water skiing or anything else. If you don’t knit, don’t go to a knitting party thinking you’ll find Ms Right. That just won’t work. 

    1. Thank you for the compliment Marsha. You make some good points there, Marsha. Having something in common is always a great way to get the ball rolling. But you never will know what a person is about until you talk. (Gotta try making that ‘hookup’). I agree if you don’t like to ski, don’t hang out at a ski resort to meet someone. Please share my post with others.

  31. Thank you for this piece here. This is honestly a very great adVice that I am sure we would all find very important and helpful. What you shared here is really great and I really find this to be superb. I think that I can actually resonate a lot with all that has been shared here. If I can,I will try my best to get stuck with this. Thanks

    1. Hi my friend. Glad you saw some value in my post. I like writing things that will humor my readers and at the same time provide info that they can use. Good, clean honest advice that hopefully may change someone’s life around. Sometime change is good! Please share my post! 

  32. Hello there, I have been into the dating game for sometime now and I must tell you it hasn’t been easy. As there are a lot of things going on that has to be put into consideration when going into dating. That aside, selecting compatible mates is one of the biggest issue you would come across when dating as most times it’s kind of impossible to secure a match.

    1. Hi Evagreen221. I think everyone has experienced a taste of the dating games at some point in their lives. (I had several wild episodes myself). They always say there’s somebody for everybody and I believe this is true. So selecting a compatible shouldn’t be that difficult. Please share my post with others.

  33. Hello there! Thank you very much for sharing this article on how dating games are played in real life. This is a must read for anyone who is finding a partner. It’s very detailed and elaborate so it will be helpful to us. For me, I feel if there’s no commitment in a relationship, it’s better not to be in any relationship at all. What’s a relationship without commitment? I hate being single but being single can be frustrating at times but I believe this article will bring a new level of happiness. thank you 

    1. Hello Sophie, thank you for commenting. I understand the single life can get pretty lonely and I hope my article can bring some sense of direction to those still in ‘the dating game.’ There are plenty of serious folks out there, If you really open yourself up to the possibility of meeting someone. Sophie, you may want to take a look at this. Other singles have went this route with some degree of success. Go here: https://44855ct8muil3u5m4c1b7v… 

      Let me know how things go. Also, please share my post with others you know that may need my help. Thanks

  34. Although, these days, there might be a lot of people who do not want a very long relationship, as they find it hard to commit to one person. But there are still some of us out there who want or are ready for a long lasting relationship, that would most times lead to saying the vows. Thanks for giving us this article. I have learnt one or two from this article with which I will use to step up my dating life.

    1. Hi Kelvin. Many folks, sometime I feel they don’t know what they want in regards to long term relationships. Some ‘want their cake, and eat it too.’ I had a friend that was very lonely and wanted a main lady at home, but at the same time he wanted others from the street as well. I guess that happens. Please share my post with others

  35. Wow, this article was very comprehensive, I think that many people just rush to enter relationships because they are lonely, want to earn that status, or are trying to follow the crowd. Before you should commit to someone, you should build a very good foundation with the person, you should literally be best of friends. 

    1. I agree Collins that you must become friends, before becoming lovers. Many folks jump into relationships too quickly before really getting to know one another. This is always a ‘recipe for disaster!’ Communication and more time spent together is ‘key’. Please share my post with others.  

  36. What an interesting read on love, dating and relationships. I felt like i was reading a book. You are a good writer. Yes i believe in any relationship you must become friends first before you are lovers. Having a sexual relationship does not mean you are now compatible to get married or stay together for life. I also picked that when you start dating someone find out all you can about them. You dont want surprises somewhere down the line. Thanks

    1. Hi Energy, how are you? Thank you for your compliments. I agree; friends first (get to know that person.) Get comfortable enough to see if any feelings are there. If something will develop, you’ll know! Good, hot sex goes along with growth of the relationship, but never let that be the determining factor. Please share my post with others. 

  37. Wow, very interesting article. I had to read it to the very end. This is one of the few times I’ve ever stayed this long in a blog. Indeed, there are lots of people that lack the gut in approaching the opposite sex. And the one you pointed out about how pretty a lady is. Because she’s too pretty, some men may ignore going for her. Saying pathetically to themselves that they’re not good enough to her, lol. That one alone made me laugh so hard. But seriously, some are “dying” in isolation because they can’t approach their opposite sex. Well, I’m glad I came across your article. I’ve learnt a lot on how to improve myself when approaching ladies.

    1. Thank you my friend Kelvin for hanging in there until the end. I love it when I can captivate my readers and they find full enjoyment in my post. I like getting down to the true concept of the matter. Providing information the average spouse seeker could use. I’m also glad to hear Kelvin that you found value in this post that you can use. Please share this with others.

  38. Thanks for this interesting article, dating is something that most people don’t pay attention to as much as they should, selecting a life partner isn’t something to joke with, it determines your future, your happiness and even your health. How to play the dating games is very important to be learned, as it gives you understanding of what you should do.

    1. I agree that dating games should be played wisely and carefully. Some folks know how to play it well at the expense of another’s feelings. They just don’t care who they hurt. Some go from one person to the next. They just enjoy doing that. Please share my post.

  39. Dating games is now common amongst males and females that it’s regarded as a normal stuff. Most men often choose to date a lady initially not for the sole purpose of marriage, though but for fun. This game has actually destroyed some level of trust in ladies which makes them searching for Mr. Right. 

    1. My friend, with so many crazy, cheating games played now-a-day, it’s a wonder many women don’t trust their men. So many dating games are played to the fullest. But there are some good folks out there, it’s just a matter of finding them. Please share my post. Thank you.

  40. Hi, 

    This is a different type of site from the ones we usually find and that is why it is also infinitely more interesting. How Dating Games In Life Are Played, is a wonderfully written article on how to get a date. The dating game is a mysterious game that both sexes play in order to be able to attract the opposite. And there sure are rules. And those that follow the rules succeed. But those that don’t follow the rules succeed just as easily too. 

    It sure is fun. Nice article and made me think for a long time. 



    1. Hello my friend Aparna. Thank you for commenting. You said the ‘key’ word ‘different.’ I strive on separating myself from the ‘same old’ writing style of others. Creativity, along with great style, is what matters. Dating can be a ‘tricky’ and a  mysterious thing. But with good communication, things always work out. Please share this post.

  41. Hey.

    Thank you for sharing this teachable post, actually dating today. I would like to say is like a fashion everyone in this world fighting to be engaged with someone else. as we have experienced there are many conflicts on relationship every day. My believe as a marketer is to stay with a single women and also my advice in order to be away from this conflict is to get married with someone you believe you loved so much. And being patient with single one or as Islamic religion-state to marry more than one women maximum four women. 

    1. Thank you for dropping in. I always say. “there’s someone for everybody.” All men want a good woman (single of course). As far as what goes on in other countries regarding love, (You mention Islamic religion) yes, men can have 4 to 5 wives, all living together and many girlfriends. In the states, it’s illegal but every man’s fantasy! LOL! Please share my post Ramah. Thanks.

  42. first off great article…really nice work. this is actually important being a decision which may be life changing, i mean for novice in the field of love dating and relationships this article explains it.for those unsure whether they are experiencing the start of a lasting connection. To find out what those looking for love should know about compatibility, the idea of “the one” and dating in general. thank you for this wonderful article 

    1. Thank you my friend for checking in with me and your compliment. ‘Love is a many splendored things’ (as the old song goes.) We all want to experience that feeling of ‘being in love.’ Most of us have ‘much love to give’ but just haven’t found anyone to share our love with. All we can do is keep trying! Please share my post.

  43. Wow! So in depth and full of great details.  It’s interesting to see how dating has evolved this year all things considered.  I see you mentioned that online dating and apps are on the rise and I’m starting to see it as well.  I’m taken but a lot of friends seem to not even use Tinder anymore, opting for Hinge or bumble.  Really interesting how volatile the online dating scene is nowadays

    1. Yes Quentin, it seems online dating is ‘the way to go’ now-a-day. Many success stories have come from folks going this route. Of course, there’s good and bad in everything. I promote a ‘Christian dating site’. Many God loving folks come here. Quentin, please pass my site on to your single friends. Point out this is the place ‘where good people meet.’

  44. Great information in the article. I have been thinking about getting back into the game of dating. It has been a few years now. After my divorce I thought it would be too hard but after reading this and a few other articles of yours, you make it sound so doable and enjoyable.

    1. Thank you my friend, for seeing value in my site. My main goal is to help those wanting, like you say, to get back into the “swing of things.” In your case, It’s only a matter of building up your confidence. To be able to “get out in the mix.” With me being a relationship expert, I have just the thing for you. (No matter if you’re a man or woman this will surely help.) ccav66 let me know how it goes, go here:… 

  45. Just the type of articles I love reading. I find this article to be very interesting and exciting for me as I love reading anything that has to do with dating and love matters. This article is a great guide on what should be known about how dating games are being played in real life. And I must commend you for judiciously dealing with this topic.

    1. Thank you Nelson. I’m happy to hear my site interest you and gave you much joy. I hope that your relationship is ‘steady as a rock,’ and in no need of repair. But Nelson, let me know if you need help in that area of your life. I have some great reading material or cd’s that can add value to your life. 

  46. Hello there, As a single woman I can relate to many of the topics brought up even though I am not currently looking for a relationship it is nice to know that there are helpful tools out there! I have been in countless situations where the question of “What are we?” always arises and it is extremely awkward from any point on after that. Thanks a lot for sharing this awesome article

    1. Thank you my friend for commenting. They’re are many things that goes on in a person’s life which determines the status of their ‘love life.’ Many don’t know how to move forward after a devastating breakup or loss. So they sit at ‘single status’ not concerned about meeting others. Sometime it begins with building your confidence. Nelson, email me and could help you with this. 

  47. Hi Ronald. I’m trying to take your advice. I met with a new person, but there is an issue in my career. I’m actually surprised that the person doesn’t seem to like my career changes (I changed my career field quite often, but I personally OK with this). As you said, the other person’s career doesn’t really matter to me, but it’s not the same with that person. Do you think it’s worth pursuing someone who doesn’t have the same mindset as you?

    1. Hello my friend. Thank you for checking in with me. A while back a few other people had this same issue. Your problem can be among men or women. You don’t say how long you’ve been pursuing this young lady, but regardless; everything boils down to good communication. (You know there maybe other things about you that may interest her.) 

      I assume you’ve never been out with this person, but you should first find out what this person has against your career changes? I imagine she don’t think you’re stable in any one field, that’s why you bounce around so much. Women seek confident, stable guys that knows what they want in life. She may still be worth going after, if you can just find out where here head is at. It also may just be some confidence building on your part. I recommended this information to others, and I feel it would help you too. Good luck & keep me posted!

       The Confident Man Program

  48. Hi there and can I just start by saying what a great article. I really enjoyed the part about the 5 basic approaches for singles and I would like to add to that. many years ago I had very strong feelings for a woman who was nearly 6ft tall and gorgeous. I never thought I had a chance with her as I thought she was “out of my league”. I finally plucked up courage to ask her out and she said yes. Anyway it turned out she was insecure and quite lonely because she had found it extremely hard to date anyone due to most men being intimated by her height. I couldn’t believe it. Well it just shows that point number 5 is really important and you just need the confidence to make the first approach.

    1. Wow! 6ft tall & gorgeous? You lucky dog! LOL! This is something I can’t stress enough to folks seeking relationships. To both men & women…”Don’t be afraid to make the first move!” Beautiful people are out there wanting to make contact too. Like you said, they’re ‘lonely & insecure too.’ (I find myself, even with a mask on, still trying to meet chicks. I make sure I keep my distance.) David, your comment is a testimony that should be shared. 

  49. Wow! I love how well the Owner writes and how deeply he/she manages to inform. What an interesting article! I couldn’t help it but read twice with my eyes fixed from start to finish.  If At all I have learnt quite a lot on Confidence! It is really about Visualizing yourself as you want to be.. Thanks for this. Would love to share this

    1. My friend, as the owner/writer of this article, I give you permission to share this post. Playing the dating games can get kind of tricky. You just never know what u gonna get. Then when you get it, you realize it ain’t what you want. Thanks for reading!

  50. Entering the dating circuit can be very daunting for many people, specially if they had to deal with rejection before. You are writing in such a funny way, that it is easy to feel light hearted about the prospect of dating and meeting somebody likeminded. I did have to chuckle to myself at some of your comparisons. A very entertaining post indeed.

    1. Yes my friend. The dating game can be filled with a roller coaster of negative emotions about someone. Sadly, these emotions can hinder a person from meeting their true love down the road. That’s why an ‘opened mind’ is the ‘best mind.’ (Don’t let that good one slip away!)

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