Hello Everyone!

I’d like to introduce myself. I’m Ronald J. Kennedy, creator & founder of ‘Love, Dating & Relationships.” Also, the author/Illustrator, ‘What Is Love Guide for The Sexes?

The character profiles I’ve created in this book, are strictly for laughs and I pray there’s Not anyone in our society like this. LOL! (Click On Image For More Details)

You’re probably disgruntled because you look around and most people are coupled off, but not you. You can’t seem to find anyone! (Maybe this ‘Single’s Quick Reference Handbook’ will steer you in the right direction). This is a problem everywhere. No matter what city, state or country you’re from.

This is why I created many articles on this subject. To showcase that there are many relationship problems ‘on the horizon!’ A good, loving relationship can be accomplished on all levels of life. 

Do your love life needs improvement? Are you on the market & available? Fill out the form below for tips, updates and secrets regarding ‘love, dating & relationships.’

Young, & Buck Wild!

Thinking back when I was a young buck, back in the 60’s, I know I had my share of young ladies and made a lot of love. I was a regular ladies man! I had friends that would hang around me, so that they can meet women! (They knew I’d ‘draw them in.)’

Back in the day, the rebel cry was ‘Make Love, Not War.’ We would never fight over a woman. The only ‘war’ we’d have was with the area street bullies.

The worst thing that would happen to us was a roughing up every now and then, by these neighborhood bullies.

They would rob us of whatever little money we had in our pockets. (sometimes tried to hide things in our socks, but we couldn’t outsmart those jokers. They just made us take our shoes off!)

A quick ‘shake down’ and it’s over!

shakedown-1340048_640Not the way things are today, especially on the city south and westside. Way too much violence! So sad!

Cartooning & music were my other two major loves (next to women).

I still do music. On different days through the week, and on weekends I spend time singing karaoke in various sports bars around the South Bay area in California.(Jamming the hits). To hear me sing (You can also subscribe as well), go to:  


But my art creativity still remained at the forefront of my life. I Love to paint & draw! A full display of my work of drawings, oil paintings, acrylics as well as music could be viewed here.

Below I’m busy at working on one of my animal paintings. 

This fair would feature oil paintings, framed drawings of unique subjects, hand-crafted dolls, airbrush pictures, metal sculptures, watercolors, etc;

It’s an exciting time among each artist every year! We all bonded together like family at the outdoor fairs.

All art lovers alike to get together for a great time!

After I did not achieve my goal as an art instructor, teaching at the Art institute of Chicago, I became interested in the movie lovefolksbusiness. Lights! Camera!! Action!!!

For some reason, holly wood producers found Chicago an excellent place to shoot movies.

When they came to film, I was right there auditioning!

But when I wasn’t doing this, you’d find me back at work in front of my drawing board. Business as usual.

I’m so thankful to God each and everyday for giving me the talent which He instilled in me. But I also take NOTHING for granted. So I would say to all of you:


Never put limits yourself! Dig deep within yourself and tap into that hidden talent!



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