Why The Ten Commandments For Women Should Be followed – Now And Forever.

Why The Ten Commandments For Women Should Be followed

Some Women Will Be Lost Without Proper Etiquette Guidance.

Why The Ten Commandments For Women Should Be followed - Now And Forever.


“Dating statistics reports, which is taken from a survey of 1000 women, that 48% of women responded that they prefer men who have very romantic ways. Also, 26% of the women surveyed believe in true love and only 28% believe in love at first sight. But 93% of ladies love to be asked out on a date.”

Here are ‘The Ten Commandments For Women…’

In This Article:

1) Thou Shalt Return Calls Promptly.   

 2) Thou Shalt Not Let Race Get In The Way.

3) Thou Shalt Let The Man Take The Lead.

4) In The Beginning, Thou Shalt Leave The Past In The Past.

5) Thou Shalt Be Engaging.

6) Thou Shalt Not Drink Too Much On A Date.

7) Thou Shalt Not Be A Gold Digger.

8) Thou Shalt Act Like A Lady.

9) Thou Shalt Express Sincere Interest And Appreciation.

10) Thou Shalt Not Become Intimate On The First Date.


You consider yourself a down-to-earth woman who has it all together. A woman that knows what she wants in life. But past relationships, some you’ve admitted to screwing up, stays in the back of your mind.

Periodically, you talk with your best friend about your situation, and why you have a hard time keeping a guy once you find one. This is why the ten commandments for women should be followed. This is a guide that was created to lead them down the correct path during their dating adventures. 

You ask, “What the hell is that!” Your friend tells you it’s some valuable information she ran across online. Although your best friend means well, she currently doesn’t even have a man. Never married!

But think she’s a pro when it comes to men! You appreciate her effort of offering those rules. You clip the list inside your favorite book and also saved on your computer. 

You prepare yourself for your next venture out. But you’re rusty! Maybe that list of rules will help! It’s been a while since you’ve dated. You’re aware things change and certain behavior skills should be applied. You understand there are good guys and bad guys out there. Race doesn’t matter either. You expect the best from them as well.

Either way, you want to do the right things in the right way. You know most women are clueless to the dating game. Maybe they just left a bad marriage. Many need guidance to rectify the situation, but not from a ‘well-meaning,’ unmarried friend.

Now you’re soon to become a divorced woman! Now maybe more romance will come into your life. Maybe! You are new to dating and following your friends tips would be very helpful.

No matter your age, race, or religion, these commandments are ‘set in stone’ just like the ones Moses received on Mount Sinai. You break them at your own peril. You must have to learn how to manage a good relationship.



1) Thou Shalt Return Calls Promptly.

Why The Ten Commandments For Women Should Be followed - Now And Forever.

Return a potential’s call within 24 to 48 hours on weekdays, or 72 hours on weekends or holidays. Forget whatever Rules you’ve read, busy men get perturbed if they don’t hear back from you within that time frame.

If you’re missing each others calls, or if your text go unanswered, hear his explanation. It might be legit. Every guy isn’t all bad!


2) Thou Shalt Not Let Race Get In The Way. Open up a little! Expand your options!! Maybe it’s the way you were raised, I don’t know. But there are very nice and respectful guys in all colors and nationalities. Maybe your mind is set on finding someone with the same race as you. Only later to regret that he treats you like shit. 


3) Thou Shalt Let The Man Take The Lead. Let him call you first. Let him ask you out first. If he’s shy, feel free to invite him to a party or a group event, but let him be the one to make the first move and suggest the first date. Let him feel he’s cleverly tracking you by suggesting where and when your first several dates will happen.

Ladies remember, if you want to be romanced, let the man lead – there’s no way around that. If you don’t let the man lead, you’ll turn him into a couch potato.


4) In The Beginning, Thou Shalt Leave The Past In The Past. Any long talks of past marriages, old boyfriends or girlfriends is strictly taboo at first (and forever, if you can get away with it). Men can’t help it – they will picture you naked and having sex with some other guy, and they’d really rather not go there.


5) Thou Shalt Be Engaging. Focus your attention on him – don’t let your eyes or interest wander, even if the waiter has the most adorable but you’ve ever seen. Let him look into those baby blues, big browns, or gorgeous greens and make sure you gaze into his and make good conversation.

Ladies, here’s a great tip! For every three questions he asks you, ask one back. If you let the man lead the conversation and give him home-court advantage, his chest will puff up, and other organs too! If you rather phone than text, then it should be on a 50-50 level. One shouldn’t out-talk the other.

This will give each of you a chance to know each other. No man likes a woman that runs off at the mouth 24/7. Remember, if you talk more than he does, and not having anything interesting to say, you will become annoying and you’ll put him to sleep.


6) Thou Shalt Not Drink Too Much On A Date. Although you might be tempted to throw back several back in an effort to relax, or maybe he’s plying you with really great wine, you want to stay clear and focused at all times (usually more than two drinks will cloud a girl’s judgment).

Besides, if it’s a really great date, you’ll want to remember every second of it.

Do You Think You’re Drinking Way Too Much Wine?


7) Thou Shalt Not Be A Gold Digger. Don’t You DARE ask or hint for anything of monetary value! Always remember, there are a lot of things that men hate about women. If he offers to buy you something without so much as a hint from you, go ahead and accept it. But make sure there are No strings attached!

Be ready to give it back if he starts hinting to you about the ‘color of your panties’ or asking do you like wearing ‘G’ Strings?. If he offers you cash, however, never, I repeat, NEVER accept it.

If he offers to pay a monthly bill you’ve been struggling with, DON’T let him do it. (I know this is tempting to many women out there!) Besides, what do we call women who accept money from men? (What’s that garden tool called)? This is very important:

You are NOT considered a gold digger, if you expect him to pay for the dates. But depending on ‘how cool’ you are with each other, it’s ok to ‘split the bill’ or you treat him now and then.

If he expects you to pay or split the check or talks about moving in together and splitting the rent (“We should live together, it will be cheaper”), RUN as fast as you can! (he’s not marriage material).

8) Thou Shalt Act Like A Lady. No cussing’, No scratching’. No belching’, No farting’ and No sitting’ with your legs spread wide.

This may sound obvious, but there are many of you who does just that. Most men want their women to be refined and don’t want to hear a stream of f-words spewing from their lips.

Acting like a lady involves being polite and following common laws of courtesy, such as saying “please”, “thank you”, and “excuse me”. You must also be prompt and not make him wait no more than ten minutes for you.


9) Thou Shalt Express Sincere Interest And Appreciation. Men like genuine compliments just as much as you do (maybe even more), so don’t be afraid to tell him he’s handsome, interesting, or funny.

But don’t go overboard! Once you decide you like this guy after several dates, it’s important to show your appreciation by maybe cooking him dinner at your place.


10) Thou Shalt Not Become Intimate On The First Date. If you’re interested in him, there’s nothing wrong with a little ‘light loving’ – and by that I mean hugs and kisses.

But if this one has keeper potential, it’s best to take it slow and get to know him first, for at least a couple months, or until in the sober light of day, he suggests a monogamous relationship.

How many times have you heard that pitiful line; “But of course babe, you’re the only one” while he’s frantically fumbling with your bra after one too many margaritas or beers? He really wants to get a good look at you. (How else can he see those jugs in the flesh?)

But until you have ‘The Conversation’ about exclusivity, just assume he’s going out with other women. As a down-to-earth woman that plays No Games, you look to attract a better class of men..




In Conclusion

So there you have it! Just remember ladies, by following the ten commandments of dating for women, there’s a very slim chance you won’t get used and you’ll gain more awareness.

And that awareness would be focused on the actions of the prospect that you may be eyeing. That person may have ‘flaky ways.’ Ways that somehow have you thinking, “What th’ hell…” You feel somethings up! With your everyday common sense, you should be able to recognize any ‘red flags’ that popup to the surface.

Most dudes that’s up to no good will try capitalizing on your faults. They’ll catch you with your guard down. Now remember, not all men are bad in our society.

There is good in everyone, everywhere. You just have to give the person a chance to prove themselves and don’t let something petty like race, color your decision.

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  1. Hello Ron, This is a great article detailing the Ten Commandments for women in the dating scene. Having been there myself after a long marriage followed by divorce, I know just how difficult it can be to get back out there. Fortunately for me I am now happily married again, but it was not easy. I had to kiss a lot of frogs before I found my Prince! Your Ten Commandments will ease the way for women finding themselves in this situation once more. Jenni.

    1. Thank you for checking in with me. I really hope that this information will help guide the way to the ‘lost and weary. Once you start heading in the wrong direction, things can spiral out of control quickly. 

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