Latest Update: October 11, 2024
“Research shows that just 15% of people actually won their ex back, while 14% got back together just to break up again, and 70% never reconnected at all.”
1) Don’t Rush In:

“Hey dude! Still trying to find your ex-girlfriend’s cell number?”
I understand the anticipation of ‘hooking up’ with the ex brings on some measure of excitement. How to get your ex back is currently your main focus right now.
As a guy whose been through a bunch of crap regarding love and relationships, we tend to blame the ex for our breakup. But in reality, is that the proper way to think? Is that fair?
This Is the part of your life that you want to correct. But do it carefully & slowly. Your past love is all that you think about.
Sometime after a breakup, you realize the breakup was over something silly. By then, your significant other is gone. But not far enough where you feel another chance is out of reach!
2) Change Your Ways:

Guy trying to figure out how to get his ex back.
You remember that after your breakup, that feeling of rejection, was almost unbearable. Eventually, you have to deal with the painful truth to heal your broken heart. You kept having these thoughts in your head like, “what’s wrong with me???”
You may or may not want to admit it, but your past actions was mainly why she left your ass in the first place. I don’t mean to sound harsh, but the truth sometimes hurts!
If you’re at a point where you feel like nothing you can say or do can turn things around with your ex, I completely understand. I’ve been there myself. But I’m here to tell you that you have more power and more hope than you think.
3) Be More Respectful:
She’s pondering a future of loneliness.
Respect goes a long ways! This is what keep relationships intact. Don’t start bringing up the past and the stupid shit that eventually broke up the relationship.
She’ll start thinking about it. Remember, you’re trying to get her back, (NOT run her away…AGAIN!!) Some guys resorted to the fact they’re going to be alone forever! But it don’t have to be that way!
So never give up and just stay positive! You want a relationship where you can finally feel value, respect among each other and loved in a way that you’ve NEVER experienced before.
“The 7 Biggest Mistakes Men Make”
- Apologizing for your behavior
- Sending flowers or chocolates
- Promising to become who she wants
- Dressing nicer
- Showing your anger or pain
- Contriving manipulative strategies
- Showing your desperate or needy
They may get her attention, something you’ll definitely need to achieve at some point, but none of which fixes anything at all about the root problems behind the breakup.
Wanna get your laugh on!? Scan the QR code with your cell phone to open browser…
Always Remember Communication is ‘Key!’
Breakdown Of Mistake List:

- Apologizing to her because you know that you acted like a damn fool while together. You think this will make things all better. Don’t waste your breath, my friend! She heard enough of your apologies during the relationship.
- Sending gifts, like flowers and candy, tells her you’re trying to buy your way back in. She won’t fall for it. Nice gesture, but this move won’t change your personality.
- Promising you’ll be a ‘changed man,’ is a joke to your ex. Making ’empty promises’ won’t get you back in good with her. This will come across as a phony move! She’ll feel you’ll NEVER change. Remember, you said this many times before while together.
- You’ll wear ‘better duds,’ you say!? While together you were the biggest slob in the neighborhood. wearing same old sweats every day, so she knows you won’t change.
- You think that displaying fits of anger and pain will make her feel differently about you? Not a chance! You say you’re mad because of the breakup and wishing you both were still together. So whose fault is that?
- If she think you’re planning some strategic, manipulative ways to get her back, then you’ve lost out before ever getting started. (Trying to be slick will look bad for you in her eyes).
- Acting desperate, needy or (‘thirsty’ as they say in street, dating terms,) will make you appear super jealous if she gave you another chance. Or maybe you just looking for some other reason than love….like a place to stay or financial help.
I know that you’ve heard before how good communication is ‘key’ to making a relationship successful. You’ve probably had friends that have busted up with their ladies because of lack of communication.
Then you find out what little communication they did have was when they argued. The argument could have resulted from commitment phobia. (Maybe she wanted to take the plunge, and you didn’t) Why make that same mistake?
She’s probably taking a ‘second chance’ on you hoping that you’ll be more open to better communication.
Most women don’t forget what happened in the past! Unless she’s so ‘smitten, back in love’ with you, then you better get it together and show her you’re a ‘changed man’ by opening up more.
In Conclusion:
We always say there’s ‘Someone for Everybody.’ Regardless if your trying to figure out how to get your ex back or you trying to hookup with someone new, the dating rules all apply regardless of who you court in life.
So give it your best shot. If you can rekindle love with your ex, then ‘Go For It!’
Hey! Time To Get Your Laugh On!!
This is some crazy, funny stuff! Check out my new humor book entitled, “What Is Love Guide For The Sexes?” It entails profile descriptions of men & women wanting to be romanced. Just click on the image. Read sample…
“Oh, and by the way before you leave, please visit my home page for more exciting articles regarding Love & Relationships!”
Awesome buddy, I like when you mentioned that one don’t need a mask meet someone online but only a laptop or mobile phone. It is true that one don’t have to worry about catching Covid-19 through the internet. Better yet, it is obvious to forget about ‘social distancing as conversation hits up and totally safe online. I am falling in love with the new norm of life. Thank you very much for the information.
Yes, Juma.A new way of life. This is something new for us all around the world, to get use to. Singles out right will have a difficult time ‘getting close.’ Social distancing will be the new norm. The new way of life! Hopefully , social media will change all that.
I do believe that God has a perfect partner for you that you will meet along your life journey. This partner will show up in your life at the most perfect timing and at the least expected time – God’s chosen time. I also met my husband in an online dating site, where I was just supposed to help my friend to set up her account. So, I made a test on my account it’s free anyway. I was just in that app for 2 days and I met a great guy that became my life companion. Today, we’re married and have 2 kids. So, yes I believe that your destiny can find you in one way or another.
Thank you for stopping by my friend. Great testimony Che. You’re living proof that online dating works and could change your life around. Regardless of religious beliefs, race or any other mundane thought that comes to mind, there’s somebody for everyone. People just have to sign up and keep the faith. Please Che, share my site with others.
Hello there, thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful piece of information here with us. I must say i really did enjoyed going through your article. I really do find this fascinating because a lot of people do not believe they can find love online, but in a time like this i think they don’t have much options.
You’re right my friend, Philebur. When you touched on what I said regarding these times we live in now. makes it hard for a single guy to get a play with the ladies. (Try talking to someone with a face covering and think you’ll be successful.) No one is taking any chances! That’s why online dating is becoming more popular. Please share my post with others.
A great idea that solves a real human need! Social distancing cannot, and should not prevent people from loving each other especially for those who seek long-term relationships.
Christian Cafe seems to be the ideal platform for young singles to meet and mingle with each other without the need to use a face mask.
I would, however, like to find out the security measures put in place by the owners to protect the users of Christian Café, so users can be sure they are relating with genuine people.
Yes my friend, that is a great concern you mentioned, ‘security measures.’ Over the years, especially in the past when they started becoming more noticable, the online dating business has taken a bad hit. This was always promoted as a substitute for physical, face-to-face dating. Off and on, bad things begin to happen among people. There wasn’t hardly any security measures put in place to protect members. Today, Online dating sites are more careful in screening new people coming in. And current members are still required to be more vigilant and do there research. Please share my site with others.
Hello there, This is an amazing article that you have got here. I have heard a lot of wrong happening around our world that people in search of meeting the someone online ends up being cheated or deceived. Although I believe that this Christian cafe online dating is going to make a difference.
Thanks for sharing this with me.
Thank you my friend for checking in. Like I mentioned before, the online dating business has taken a ‘bad hit.’ Many folks worry about the other person acting like a maniac. This was back-in-the-day! When dating sites first appeared on the scene. Now, in today’s times, more careful screening has taken place by the owners of these sites. (Now business wants a bad name.) ChristianCafe monitor new members coming on board every day. Please share my post with others.
Hello dear, thanks for sharing such amazing concise information with us, I was actually doing some research online when I saw your post, I believe after going through your post I have been enlightened more, I really do fancy these page, I already saved these page so as to come back for future reference, thankd for the info
I’m glad you got a chance to view my post, even if it was just ‘by chance.’ If you, my friend, are seeking true love then you landed on the right page. Finding and selecting a compatible mate can sometimes become difficult, but rewarding in the long run. If currently seeking someone, go here…
Hi there, nice article.
I am living alone and that social distancing thing made even worse for people like me, you get zero contact with other person, even with a close friend to have a hug, or a warm welcome from your parents.
So, we just have to hold it together. When it is difficult to meet new people, I guess this CristianCafe thing doing its work 🙂 Thank you.
Hey my friend Sualius. Welcome to the club regarding us singles. I live alone as well and was thinking the same way as yourself. Although I promote an online dating service to others, I’m also a customer of my own product. I’m with Christiancafe too and now meeting fantastic people, right here in my own home state. One serious! As single men in the mist of Covid -19, a good dating site is the way to go. Sualius join me in Christiancafe. You’ll be happy you did! Join Christiancafe True Love Online
everyone is destined to find true love regardless of where and how.. a lot of persons do not believe on online dating but trust me we all have one perfect partner waiting for us somewhere,this partner will show up in your life at the most perfect timing and at the least expected time so do not be discouraged you can find true love online..
Hello again my friend Evans. Thank you for viewing my site. I think we all need loving. It’s sad some folks go through life with nobody, pretending all is ok. In reality, they’d like some one to share their time with just like anyone else. Being lonely is what took my best friend out. So lets be happy in love. Evans in case you’re looking for that ‘special someone,’ check this out: Join Christiancafe True Love Online
Indeed this is the new normal…I know online dating is not something new, but I’m sure its more popular more than ever. I’ve never had to use it, but I’ve always wondered if its safe. Surely, these online dating platforms must have safeguards in place. Have you tried other dating sites? How does Christian Cafe compare?
I have friends who met through MySpace back in the day…they’ve been married almost 20 years. So I do believe you can find true love via internet.
Hi Dana, thanks for checking in with me. Wow! ‘MySpace’?? LOL. That’s definitely an old platform. But I’m happy to hear you had friends that found success there. Due to this pandemic, they are now getting more popular. I personally never tried other sites. I just try finding the best for others. Where Chistiancafe differs to other sites, is the fact they are God fearing, loving and honest people looking for the same. No bs games played here. Dana, please share this post with your single friends. Thanks.
Quite a fantastic post on how to find true love online,I must say i really did enjoyed going through your article. I really do find this fascinating, because a lot of people do not believe they can find love online. But in a time like this, i think they don’t have much options. Thanks a lot for sharing, have a great day
Yes my friend, online dating should practically ‘go through the roof’. During these times of this Covid-19, social distancing seem to interfere with any chance of intimacy. What we have now going on around us, is something we never experience. Never thinking our ‘love life’ would ‘grind to a halt,’ now we have to turn to a good online service to meet that special someone. (At least, social distancing wouldn’t be an issue). Please share my site with others.
Hello and thank you for sharing this article. I agree that God has a plan for all of us and will give you that special someone in the least expected time, place and how. While I haven’t met my wife online but I met her when I was least expecting it, I can still completely relate to this article.
While the new normal doesn’t allow intimate close proximity relationship for two strangers who had just met, I am glad that single persons can still have a way to find their true love online.
Thank you Lemuel for your comment. Thank God there are still ways the single man and woman can connect without worry. They can still get to know one another without being close. (Can’t get any safer than that) That’s why online dating is the way to go! But not just any dating site; one with deep love for our Heavenly Father along with the person we’re trying to get to know. Christiancafe is just that site. Please Lemuel do me a favor and share this site with others. Thanks!
I have hard about so many scammers that are using dating websites to con people, that I am very skeptical about them. My sister was conned and lost a lot of money without ever meeting the guy as he never turned up for any of their supposed meetings. I agree that everyone has a perfect partner somewhere, it is just a case of find them.
What type of security and vetting system do you have in place at Christian Cafe Online Dating to make sure that people will not abuse the site and the members?
Sorry to hear about your sister getting scammed.This upsets me as well. Actions like these give decent dating sites a ‘Bad Name.’ It’s always the free dating sites, that mostly draw the scandalous folks to it. They have evil plans on their mind when they first join.
To answer your question LineC, No dating site is 100% perfectly safe against scammers. People just have to use common sense. Follow safety guideline tips which you can google up. Usually dating sites which cater to paid subscribers, such as; e Harmony, Christiancafe,, etc; are your best bet. Also, Christaincafe has a very good success record regarding its interaction with new members.
Wow Ronald, I was really wary of coming to this site, but was profoundly impressed. It is simple and very clear with open testimonies. I get the feeling that you are honest in your endevour and hope you are also successful in your own relationship.
The reason I was so unsure about this topic, is that in today’s culture, it could have involved a far different approach. So I was delighted that you are Christian based. God IS Love! I believe IF we put God first in our lives, He is obligated to answer our prayers. A true relationship is so much more than just looks, but what is on the inside of us. For people looking for true love, this platform gives the opportunity to learn the real values of a friend.
I would be proud to recommend your site, but at 77 yoa, I don’t see too many love-lorn people. 🙂
Yes, I agree that God is love and will bring a suitable person in all our lives. I always say that there’s somebody for everybody. We know that it’s are heart that has to be satisfied. Feelings based on material things are not satisfying and would not fulfill us. You are welcome, my friend Goldtooth, to share my site with whom ever you like.
Wow Ronald, I was really wary of coming to this site, but was profoundly impressed. It is simple and very clear with open testimonies. I get the feeling that you are honest in your endevour and hope you are also successful in your own relationship.
The reason I was so unsure about this topic, is that in today’s culture, it could have involved a far different approach. So I was delighted that you are Christian based. God IS Love! I believe IF we put God first in our lives, He is obligated to answer our prayers. A true relationship is so much more than just looks, but what is on the inside of us. For people looking for true love, this platform gives the opportunity to learn the real values of a friend.
I would be proud to recommend your site, but at 77 yoa, I don’t see too many love-lorn people. 🙂
Hey Goldtooth, thanks for stopping by and reading. And for the kind complements. I always say ‘age is just a number.’ Although you say you’re 77, we are never to old for love. Regardless of age, there’s someone for everybody! Yes, God eventually will bring the right person into our lives. It’s only a matter of just being patient and letting God do His business. Please share my post the best you can. (You just never know) Thanks!
The thought of online dating is a bit of a stretch for me, although reading your article and having to adapt to the current circumstances we find ourselves in at present, it makes sense even if I don’t agree with meeting online.
In saying this I have met two couples that are happily together, they did meet online, so this tells me that finding the love of you life for you online does and could work out.
In todays technological society individuals are more comfortable communicating through their mobile phones. Its inevitable that partnerships will be found this way and making a future together.
Hi Bernardo, thank you for reading. I appreciate it. With all the crap going on, regarding viruses, bacteria and other germs. online dating is definitely ‘the way to go!’ You can’t do any better social distancing than that!! LOL! There are plenty of great people out here in the world, men & women, looking for true love. The couples you know our proof that online romance can work! I don’t know your current dating situation Bernardo, but give it a try for free. Here’s the direct link from my site…
Please share this link with others. Thank you.
I could definitely see how dating in the time of corona / COVID is difficult. I cant imagine how lonely it is for people to live alone during this. My neighbor, who is older, lives alone. She talks to my family from a distance but goes no where and sees no one. I think technology does make it easier to keep social while social distancing and wearing masks.
Yes Jenn, this thing we going through is a ‘Real Bummer.’ Being on constant lock down doesn’t suit anyone very well. Then again, there are folks, especially seniors, who don’t mind staying by themselves.They like it that way. This covid 19 has wrecked the plans of singles. But now, at least, we do have social media and online dating will ‘save the day’ for many. Please share my post with others.
I am sure that our intentions were good. However, to me this sort of content in at the start just fuels the psychological warfare that the media is spreading.
In my experience I have come to understand that there are just events in life and how we chose to frame them is up to us. So by telling people things are bad, that just enforces their belief that things are doom in gloom.
Yes Sam, I agree that the media has stamped in our minds forever the dangers of covid-19 and mainly how folks are not following the 6ft.rule. So taking this all into consideration, it’s difficult to meet others when out in the street. Both sexes go through this! We all have a relaxed and peaceful feeling once we meet someone we can talk to and have an ongoing relationship with. Please share my post with others.
Hello there, thanks for sharing this awesome article i know it would be of great help to the public as it has been of help to me. Find love in recent times has taken a new turn as with the initiation of social media and dating site finding a good man or woman isn’t really a problem any more all you need to do is play the right cards.
Yes my friend. When it comes to dating in our times today, Everything has taken a whole different twist. No more of the ‘let me see if I can pick this chick up,” involving the bar scene. Things ain’t nothing like years in the past regarding dating. I believe online dating is gonna be new norm. Still the user should do research before settling in to any one particular site. Please share this post.
Hello Kennedy, finding love online is really difficult if you ask me because of the various things that could be shielding who your lover really is and that is not good. I really like how you have relayed this on your article and I’m happy about it. I would be happy to see people find love online too.
Thank you Justin for commenting. With all this virus crap going on in the world today, when it boils down to finding true love, it seems like it can only be online. No one wants an in person, face to face meeting any more. Everyone is afraid! Single people are suffering the most.That’s why I created this post. (There’s more than one way to ‘skin a cat.’)lol. Please share my post.
You picked a good conversation topic; I feel you executed it well; Short and sweet; I am so glad; I have good company;
I must say; The subject in question; being ‘Online Dating’;
Is now something real to consider; If you are single, and feel the need to find; what I would call, good ‘Company’.
I know you think it’s safe and online, and it looks as such!.
Eventually, both parties will soon have to meet!
(Fingers crossed!)
Good article; Well done!
Thanks again.
Hey Joe, Thanks for checking in with me. Online dating is starting to become a big thing now, due to this covid 19 virus. No one wants to talk face-to-face anymore. Hopefully, this nightmare will end soon. (This is hard on all us single dudes.) But like you mentioned, although it may start out on line; eventually you’ll meet in person. Then we’ll see how the relationship blossom. Joe, please share my site with others.
Thank you
I think that this is a really lovely article and something which is really important to so many people out there. I met my partner online and we have now been together for 7 years and it was the best thing that I ever did.
At least if you meet online now than the meeting part will be amazing and something to really look forward too.
This article will help so many.
Congrats to my dear, on your 7 years together. It makes me feel good that online dating really do work. You are a true testament of the fact. I know many folks don’t trust online dating sites. There’s good and bad in everything. But if you feel good about something, then give it a shot. Imelda, please share my post.
I think this is something that provides a great information on helping people find love online and helps them find what they are seeking the most. Even during a time like this the pandemic has really had an awful impact on so many people and unfortunately this has been bad for people as well not being able to go out like they did at one time. Great article with very helpful information keep up the good work.
Hello my friend, thanks for reading. Yes, this pandemic has taken a toll on the in person dating thing. Now most rely on online dating to meet someone. Singles always take a bad hit during these crises regarding romance. But things will get better.
What an Interesting website, with a good mention of the importance of online dating. Within our own family we have someone who has met a string of ‘loser’ guys, only interested in one thing, but won’t look at dating sites, because you only meet losers!!
Personally, dating sites have their placfe because, as long as you use the right type of site such as this post mentions, then you have more chance of meeting the special one (and no I’m not talking about Jose Mourinho!!)
They way I see these sites is a bit like building a website which needs traffic. You website needs the right kind of traffic, like you need the right type of person and, in our lives we are only ever going to be compatible with 3 or 4 star signs. Within those numbers will be your potential loved one and dating sites such as these. help refine that search
Certainly the content and sites mentioned in this post, will go a long way to you finding the right one.
I agree Dave that every online dating site isn’t going to be ‘Heavenly!’ Those seeking something better in life, are hoping for the best from these sites. You must understand that a few bad apples can spoil the whole barrel. But we can’t let it stop us from pursuing our pending happiness.
Dating and relating during the pandemic makes for interesting bedfellows. But is dating and relating that doable in today’s day and age ? The articles on your site present good solutions to the age old question “Will I ever find love ? I’ve never tried long distance relating because, if you can’t find love nearby what makes you think you can find somewhere else? However, during this pandemic when everybody is social distancing LDR seems like a viable option. If you do meet someone where are you going to go? You are limited to phone calls, face time, etc. Stuff you could do with someone far away. Technology can bring people together
They’re are many who travel international, meet someone very interesting and fall in love. (This isn’t planned, its something that just happens). When they get back to the states, they remain in touch; like you stated via ‘facetime’, ‘text’, ‘phone calls’ ‘possibly a 2nd visit back out’, etc; Overtime, a strong relationship can develop. Your next ‘course of action’ (If it becomes that serious, and you wanna take it to the next level) is to arrange the necessary paperwork to help get them to the states.
I’m not going to lie, online dating can be rough for men. You’re competing with a lot of other men and women get TONS of email. It’s very hard to stand out and get them to email you back. I think some women are on dating sites just to pass the time and receive validation with no real intent of ever emailing you back. However, in times like this you have to rely on whatever is available.
Yes my friend Thomas, during this rough period in our lives, many folks, men & women, turn to online dating services. These services have been around for a long time. Many people have mixed feelings about them. (Some good, some bad) But there has been success from these services. Marriages have taken place. (I personally know a few myself were the person met there spouse online). Congrats to them!! It’s Not All Bad!
I thought that this was quite a new website as it opened to only a picture of a couple and some tabs above, so I clicked on one of them and had a good laugh at the article you wrote on Dirty Ol’ Doris. I think you are right, we have all known one of these at least in our life times.
I then tried going in again to the how to find true love online article and it loaded, so my internet was probably just a bit slow.
I was surprised to read just how many people try online dating. But I do hear of a lot of success stories coming out of online dating, so it must work if you can only find the right person amongst the masses.
It also helps to go onto the right sites, like the one you mention here at Christian Cafe. There are also a lot of dodgy sites out there, so I suppose it depends on what you are looking for in a relationship.
Hello my friend Michel, I’m glad you enjoyed my post. I like to write and post detailed articles that my readers can relate too. I have many articles, funny & some serious. In regards to online dating, it always boils down to finding and clicking with the right person but it can work. Everyone is different.
Thanks for the tips. I thought that online dating isn’t a really good move during this pandemic situation, but turns out it’s much better to do it now, huh? I’m interested to learn if the success rate of finding a partner through an online platform is high? I would like to meet a potential partner, but I’m afraid to put my personal information on the platform. Any tips to start it without giving away too much of my personal information? Thanks
Hi Alblue, thanks for commenting. Yes, the pandemic has moved folks in the direction of online dating. I personally know others who met online, now married to each other. Like with any other dating apps they are safely secured in regards to protecting any personal info. Christiancafe have a very good success rate. All would ask for a little info from you( Example; Your name, age, what type of girl you looking for, etc;) at the beginning, but nothing too personal.
Sign up today to Cristiancafe for a 10 day free trial. (Cost nothing to test it out). Here’s the link: Christiancafe is AMAZING!
Good to see that you are staying positive about all the challenges with dating during this Covid time. When Covid started my first thought was of all the single people living alone and being isolated but having dated by using a dating app myself before Covid. I think you are correct when you say that the way forward is online.
Totally agree that you can meet someone even on the other side of the world and find your soul mate.
Yes my friend Lily. Where ‘there’s a will, there’s a way!’ I always say ‘there’s someone for everybody.’ I myself is currently in the process of communicating with someone I find very interesting. So it’s not impossible. Some folks don’t make an effort, just complain.
I totally agree that one can find true love online because I am living proof! I met my husband in a dating app and after 1 month and a half of dating, he proposed and we are now happily married for 4 years with 2 kids! Dating sites work as long as you are honest and you say your values and stand in the very beginning so they won’t expect anything that you are not.
Speaking of wearing masks these days, my husband made a funny comment about it. He said he is happy that he’s no longer single during this pandemic because it must be difficult to go dating during this time because you won’t know if you are dating someone ugly because of the mask!
I hope that those who are still single can find their soulmates soon.
Let me be the first to congratulate you on finding your soulmate. Proof that online apps do work! I feel many folks will be turning to them, seeking their mate. I also agree with the remark your husband made. Sounds like he has a sense of humor like me. I’ve said the exact same thing! (Don’t know how that mug look behind that mask!) LOL! Thank you for commenting, my friend.
Before I read this article, I thought long distance relationships do not work and online dating can not work but this article just cleared that mentality from me. This was nothing short of a masterpiece I must say. This was so amazing that I had to save it so that I can refer to it later. I even shared it with my friends as well
Collinsss, hopefully your single friends who’s looking for that ‘soulmate’ will find some value in my post. Many times folks who downplay dating online, never experienced it only going by what they hear or maybe read. Singles should give it a shot. I’m involved myself with long distance, online dating.
HOW TO FIND TRUE LOVE ONLINE | AN EASY PATH TO VICTORY- Thank you for sharing this wonderful article. Loneliness can be devastating, being in a relationship with the wrong person can be just as bad or even worse. Finding someone who complement you can push you to new levels in life. With the pandemic, online might be a good option.
Thank you my friend, for the compliment. Finding someone now-a-day can be a daunting task. Love online can be great thing. Finding the right compatible mate is ‘closer than you think!’ Just keep an open mind.
I got married right out of college because I figured it was the next thing in the cycle of life. Unfortunately, the marriage did not stick. I tried a couple of sites and met some great women. Those sites help identify common interests between potentail mates. The person that I plan to spend the rest of my life with appeared on my facebook wall about 10 years ago. We were playing the same game and then I met her in person. I can’t imagine what it would be like today, but your article about finding true love online is good advice. Technology has certainly made it easier to start the communication.
Yes, technology is better than ever now-a-day. Most singles are turning to online apps for love. With all these new mutants popping up all over the place, we’ll never be ‘virus free’ and able to meet anyone in person…at least for the time being!
Thank you for the interesting article. I am married but I have single friends and my heart has been going out for them. Just wondering how they are coping during this chaotic time. We are really not meant to be alone and lockdowns were just heavy and enhancing the loneliness. I have never been for online dating but I guess we now don’t have much options, will encourage my friends to check it out .
Again I am a victim of what you mentioned, I have battled with covid19 getting it from my husband.
Wow! My friend I hope that you & your husband are recovering well from this terrible disease. This covid thing has altered all of our way of living. The world will never be the same again! When we think we’re slowly getting out of the woods, some new deadly stains are popping up. In regards to dating, online communication will be the ‘New Thing’ (like you said, not many options)
Your perspective on How To Find True Love Online is worth reading, and I will recommend it to some of my single friends. Meeting and talking to a person face-to-face, to me, is the most important aspect of dating. With the coronavirus, the internet became a God-sent gadget. Yes, you can see and talk to a person over the phone. But the effect of face-to-face conversation has no substitute. And a close contact is a no-no. A cup is half full or half empty. Which is preferable?
Now people turned to wear face masks to eliminate the distance involved in using the internet. I can say that made things a little better. Really? The man or woman you are talking with is wearing a mask! You can’t see the whole of the person. You can’t get the whole feel.
Despite all those difficulties, dating can find your true love. True love works like magic. Face masks or long-distance calls can’t control it. Good luck.
Hey Cal, plain and simple, this damn pandemic is a major ‘kick in the balls! Everyone lives went into ‘protective mode’ and the dating scene just really took a bad hit! Of course, the real in-person, face to face meeting along with a warm human touch, is what us singles long for. (Nothing can replace that.) But for now, I feel the next best option is a good online dating app such as Christiancafe. (This is one of the better ones).
Dating today is a whole new experience for many people in a very different world.
People have been online dating for years, which I guess is what most people are moving toward, so I guess the younger people will find this new way of dating easier than the older generation.
However, I do I to mention, many older people do date online, maybe not as much, more are going to have to adapt and go with the flow, just make sure you stay safe whilst doing so.
Masks for me I have to say are a bit off putting, one can only imagine whats behind the mask, I’m not saying it’s all about looks, but to me seeing a guys smile is important.
Great post, love some of the others too, especially the one about “Guzzlin Guz”, made me chuckle.
Mitch X:-).
Yes Mitch, it’s important for me as well to see the ‘full face behind the mask.’ She may have pretty eyes with lovely hair, but ugly as hell and No Teeth!! I also agree that the older generation is turning to online dating more rapidly and is happy within their own age group! Thanks for commenting.
I met my husband through matchmaking. But not online. It was an introduction through the family. They knew my personality and his and our faith would match, and they were right. I definitely agree with your comment “You must always remember there’s someone God Has Planned for your life.“ Interesting article.
Thank you for checking in with me. Congrats to you that you’ve found your ‘soulmate.’ People meet all types of ways, through in-person introduction or online date apps. Once you get to know each other’s personality, it could be smooth sailing from there (But it’s not always the case).
Thank you so much for your article on how to find true love online. In this Covid-19 pandemic era, it is very difficult to meet and mingle. Even as restrictions get lifted, I believe it will take time for people to confidently leave their home. Covid-19 has brought so much fear to our lives. Dating has also become difficult.
I believe your article is very much needed and has come at the right time. it is good to know that one can look for a partner just with their mobile phone or laptop. I am a single Christian woman looking love and I believe ChristianCafe is exactly what I’m looking for. Wonderful article.
Boi, if my post regarding dating, can help even one person during these crises then I felt I’ve done my job. Singles are having a rough time meeting folks and a good dating app seems like the only option. Good luck to you Boi, on your quest to find true love. (I feel confident ChristianCafe will help you). Thank you for commenting.
This was a very informative article. Sadly, you are absolutely correct in saying the dating scene really has suffered greatly from this pandemic. Online to the rescue! Online dating sites really the safest way to meet someone. You can better screen someone to find out if he or she is being truthful and legitimate with the information they are providing. Not only that, you now have access to even more online video chat apps, like Zoom, Facebook Live, or FaceTime to meet someone face to face without the pesky mask getting in the way.
Yes my friend. Got to see what’s behind the mask! Somehow, someway, a guy wanna see the whole face. Once the face mask is removed and you discover she’s ‘ugly as sin’ you must remember it’s the personality that counts!
It is amazing how many couples meet online nowadays. It has become totally normal, as every second couple I meet met online.
During COVID I am sure the number went up, because as you say, meeting someone when everyone has to social distance in masks is extremely difficult, and the trust issue comes into play as nobody wants to get sick.
Meeting someone online is great because you have a chance to chat online without any commitments and if you feel you are not a match, it is easier than breaking up in real life. Technology has made so much possible now that never used to be the case in the past.
Yes Michel, Thank God for technology in more ways than one. Eventually this dreaded disease will go away and all will return to normal. But until then, online dating is the norm and currently our new way of life.
When it comes to love, Lots can be said. First of all God created us to be with someone. A man is suppose to compliment his wife and a wife is suppose to complement his man.
Love is a wonderful thing, but unfortunate many people are selfish, and they love for the wrong reasons. God is love and He wants us to love because love is important to Him.
Relationship is to be cherish, it takes work, patient, understanding. Yes, relationship is a lots of work, and it can be beautiful with right motive.
Before considering looking for love make sure you are ready to give just as much as you are looking for, and you should be fine. Love is not going any where, be patient, it will come, whether it be online, face to face, it will come.
Thanks for the post,
Hey Nicole, we get out of any relationship, what we put in. Some couples want to go 40-60, (This won’t work!) You must put in100% of your love to that person, if you expect it to work. No relationship is perfect, but you got to give it your best shot!
Wow! I have never thought about this. The singles can actually continue their life and allow themselves to meet someone who can be a possible friend, partner, and even the love of their life. Love this! And I also love that one is safe while finding love online through the Christian group you recommend.
Yes Sunny; although we’re living trough a pandemic which is challenging, good loving still goes on. Folks still wanna mingle and meet others of the opposite sex (And in some cases, same sex). Love is love!
Thank you for the interesting and enlightening article. I am married and have single friends and my greatest wish has been that they really get to their desired relationships. It has always been my worry ,that during this pandemic with masks and social distancing how are singles supposed to mingle. I think online dating really ease the worry though it has it own challenges.
And yes, it has not been easy for the married also, My husband got infected and by default I found myself there. What a year 2020 has been.
Bogadi, 2020 has been pure hell. I’ve lost friends through this crises. We all had family members affected. My own son as well. Hopefully now we’ll see better days and families can unite without fear once again.
There is nothing more important than love! To find real one it takes time and devotion, for which we often don’t have time …
How did you feel when you first fell in love!? We are all searching for that feeling again.
In ,my opinion, It’s not about rules for man and women to have a good relationship. I think we first need to love ourselves and have healthy understanding for others. We are all different, but it’s that uniqueness that strongly connects us and that matters the most.
I love your site, It’s detailed and offers much to those who are searching for solutions in there relationships. Good work!
Hey, as a line in an old song once says ‘Everybody needs love.” This is true conviction. But the chemistry between both parties has to be there to make it all work. Without good chemistry you don’t have crap!
Love, Dating and Relationships almost sounds like that scary song in Wizard of Oz, “Lions, Tigers and Bears oh my!” And I believe that scary feeling it’s apropos in the dating world today. As you point out, the pandemic put a big stop on socializing and dating for the last year. How could you date, even if you found someone online? It was impossible, but now with the pandemic slowing down and online dating becoming popular, you can find somebody in the safety of your own home.
I like your recommendation to use online dating sites. With the software and algorithms, dating sites can accurately line up profiles that match. This takes all the guessing out of dating; and the success rate for dating sites has increased substantially the last few years. This is not how I dated when I was younger, but this is a brand-new world and using a dating website is the best way to meet that someone you have been looking for. Good luck.
Terry, I see you like the ‘Wizard Of Oz’ too? (I never took those three words and tied them into that movie line)LOL. Most folks really rely on online dating with the anticipation of meeting that ‘special someone.’ It may work for most folks, but I think many give up too soon before making a go of it.
I absolutely love this website. In these times that we are living in, many people may have given up on finding love. This gives people hope, and the means to find true love in the middle of this pandemic. Thank you for allowing people the chance and means to find true love. My question is do you believe that this will be a continuous way for couples to find each other after the pandemic? Do you suggest finding love this way, or do you prefer doing it the “old-fashioned way”? Thank you for sharing these insights with us.
To answer your question Niesha, I personally do prefer the old fashioned face-to-face meeting. But since the pandemic has changed the way we do things and live in our society, I strongly feel online dating is going to grow and continue to be the ‘way to go!’
Very interesting article. For years I was not convinced to online dating but now times are changing. With covid, and all restrictions its best (if not only way) to meet someone interesting. And after few tries I changed my opinions, online dating may be great option if you take reasonable approach. Not all partner you will find will be good for you, and there will be some disappointment but important thing is not to loose faith and looking for this special one.
Yes! Disappointments will come, with dating or anything else in life. It’s not a ‘perfect world’. By keeping your faith and your options open, you will find the person of your dreams.
I have got to give it to you; I have never heard this take on a topic like this before. This is traditionally the exact opposite thing we are all made to feel…like if they arent there in person, it means that they can’t possibly care about you or have the same goals as you, etc. I think it’s really refreshing to read a take like this one. Keep on making these kinds of articles!
Rene K, I aim to please! My main focus is to help solve other problems by giving them what they seek. As long as a person is open & take their love life serious, then my many articles can help them in this field. Please go back and give my post ‘a like and a share.’ Thank you, my friend.
I didn’t start online dating, but I became a member in a pen pal program, I had the intention of just being a friend / pen pal, and bam! It happened. One of my pen pals and I connected so much and we fell in love. We can’t be physically together yet, we’re working on making that happen. In the meantime we chat and email every day, we speak on the phone and we also meet on Google Meet. I never thought that this was going to happen but I am so happy I met him!!
I can imagine that online dating has risen dramatically during the lockdown, and one advantage of online dating is that you have to spend more time talking and thus revealing more of your inner self, which leads to getting to know each other much better (if both parties are honest, of course). Online dating must be booming right now.
Christine, it’s hard to control your heart. Congrats to you that you found someone. Online dating is going through the roof! Although your pen pal hookup wasn’t directly from a dating service, it was still online. But nevertheless, again congrats to you. Pease give my post ‘a like.’
Great article on meeting soulmates. The pandemic has severely disrupted this world. But as you wrote, it is not the end of the world. And I think anyone who feels lonely should try online dating. I don’t think you should be afraid. Why not. None of us knows where a soul mate is waiting for him.
Yes my friend. As far as dating is concerned, we got to do something to conjure up entertainment in our lives. Or should I say, someone to enjoy entertainment with. That soul mate is out there. Please go back, give my post a ‘like’
Hi Love Folks,
You made great references on how to find true love in a time of criss, since in person -to-person interaction was forbidden 95% of 2020 due to the pandemic. I do remember when finding a partner online was somewhat scary, because people would sumbit infomation that was not true. I’m glad internet dating takes more safety precautions for everyone invovled.
Christian Cafe is definitely the answer for individuals wanting to share thier life with someone of the same faith. I believe Christian had the greatest fear for finding love on the internet. Although, everyone desires to have a mate [Eve was created for Adam because God did not want man to be alone].
Last, I have several friends that have met there soul mates online also said it was a “daunting task” but it was worth it.
Great Article!
Thank you for stopping by, my friend. We can’t let this pandemic crap ruin our dating lives. They’re many people out there looking for love, it’s just a matter of opening yourself up a little and give others a chance to get to know you. Give my post a ‘like’